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contributors With this being our Feb/March issue, we are coming upon the ending of the wild Winter weather and getting ready to march into Spring and the upcoming Equinox. As we look toward this time of Balance of light and dark, we've asked a few contributors what "Balance" means to them; how do they maintain it; and is it really even possible? (Or is the idea just another "myth the media perpetrates"?) As a mom of two young boys, this is my con- stant challenge. Balance seems to be an elusive thing like chasing the pot at the end of the rainbow. In the meantime, there are dirty dishes, crying babies, and owies that need kisses. Instead of balance, I work to achieve self-ac- ceptance and forgiveness. On particularly trying days, I live by Oprah's quote, "You can have it all. Just not all at once." Brandi-Ann Uyemura (Pg. 22) Last year, balance was on the other side of the fence for me, where the grass was greener. Like many, I was at a company where the staff kept getting smaller while the workload kept getting bigger; my email inbox was usually no less than 800 a day. When I realized my email had overtaken my life, I realized I could do something about it and made a decision. I chose quality of life. I chose happiness. Work-life balance is possible, but only if you do something about it. Stressed out? Hit delete! Brenda Knight (Pg. 34 ) When I want to find balance in my life, there is no bet- ter place than the garden. Walking through my garden, I can enjoy drinking in nature. After the first spring rains, the white scented narcissus begin popping up through damp soil. They carry within their bulbs the life force of last year, and push forth new life. They are a sign of continuity and nature's balance. Like the daffodil bulb, I store nature's strength within myself. When things are new and the days uncertain, I can tap into this garden scene, and feel connected with the earth as we move through the seasons. Kathy Vilim (Pg. 28) Being born under the sign of Libra as I see it, "balance" represents my weighing my- self with my nail polish on and the scales tipping to the left instead of the right. And, balance can be doing something the same way expecting the same results which can be also be called OCD, but with the letters in alphabetical order. I was first diagnosed Sunday, February 4, 2004 at 3:52 p.m. Linda LaRoche (Pg. 33) Greetings Dear Readers! W elcome to our February / March issue! In these most pre- carious times in which we live, it seems that finding "bal- ance" has become more important than ever. Daily, we see ideas and measures put forward to the masses that may not align with our belief systems of freedom and equality—the so-called "dark" rearing its head. And we must meet these circumstances by shining our inner light even brighter. A perfect example is the recent Women's March in DC and numerous cities, large and small, here in the USA and around the world. How invigorating to witness those who stood and marched with us! How powerful to be an Angelino with our show of solidarity! More than a million people of all colors and walks of life unifying together for this common purpose—peaceful, pro- found, with only a tiny number of arrests. Hooray for our sisters in this country and around the globe. And the wonderful men who stand with us! In a time of "fake news" and "alternative facts," we hope you will consider continuing to turn to Whole Life Times—your trusty source for empowering information and uplifting content! As we enter our 40th year we are honored and proud to offer you sto- ries and articles of positive transformation as we strive to make these bumpy and unpredictable times just a little more enjoy- able, a bit brighter. And the days are getting brighter and lighter as Spring is on the way! We celebrate the Vernal Equinox here in this hemi- sphere on March 20. A perfect time of balance of light and dark. What do you do to maintain that ever-elusive state of equanimity that seems to hang on gossamer wings? It is there for us to enjoy. Let us know how you find it…. As we focus on balance, we offer great articles this issue all about vibrant health, wealth, wisdom. Best-selling authors and writers like shaman Lynn Andrews and teacher Neale Donald Walsch share stories of the way they perceive the world. Pining for a quick day trip this winter, but maybe not up for ski- ing or sledding? You could consider a short jaunt up the coast to see the magnificent migration of the Monarch Butterfly. Amtrak happens to stop right there. Or how about a wee trip cross-coun- try to magical New Orleans? Mardi Gras festivities will be in full swing at the end of February, but for healthy tips and ways to stay fit while visiting there, look at our article about the fabulous Big Easy. Lots of events in town too! The ever-popular Conscious Life Expo will be back in LA in mid-Feb and offers us a much-needed gathering of the tribe, filled with workshops and speakers and films and food and fun! Book signings, galleries, yoga, meditation classes—LA has it all so check out our calendar listings and get out there and meet lots of like-minded people. Let's have a good time together during these changing and most "interesting" times. And, please do consider supporting our advertisers. They are the main thread of our community—the vital small businesses and practitioners working to provide conscious products and services. Please support them and all the good work they do. And let them know you saw them in Whole Life Times! After all—with our salad bowl that is the USA and especially here in LA, we really are all in this together! With Love and Blessings for an Abundant and Happy Spring ~ from the editor 6