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R eaders may fi nd James Olson's book to be especially timely as 2017 ushers in what seems to be a new era of left-brained leadership. For some, How Whole Brain Thinking Can Save the Future might even become a handbook for understanding how we got here and, more importantly, how we can move forward to a more balanced future. There are many books on the brain, but this tome stands apart. With assiduous erudition, independent scholar Olson delineates the management system serving to coordinate the interaction of the two sides of the brain, a veritable operating system housed in each hemisphere. This biology results in three types of genetic dominance namely complete, incomplete, and co-dominance, four types of brain systems, and a total of 16 different genetically determined operating systems. If this sounds like a daunting or formidable read, it can be, but Olson patiently guides us through the neural networks with the promise of greater self-understanding. One of the most remarkable takeaways from this wholly unique book is a deep understanding of how much left- and right-brain hemispheres play in your daily decisions. Why are you attracted to a certain person? Are you an introvert or an extrovert? It all starts in your brain. Central to the author's argument is that the left- hemisphere of our brains can be more impulsive, rash, and aggressive. According to integral philosopher James Olson, you can do something about it. We as a society can turn back from polarization and war games to a future of peace and prosperity. He points out this can only be achieved through awareness and a conscious and deliberate decision to overcome living on "auto pilot" and using your whole brain. (Origin Press) — Brenda Knight BOOKS art & soul D r. Saldmann, a Parisian M.D., presents and validates nu- merous home remedies with reference to the latest med- ical research while including many obscure treatments and "tricks" of the healer's trade. What better time than the present to take charge of our health, with changes to the Obamacare Health Plan looming? Those of us who have proactively weaned ourselves from the traditional medical model, in favor of educating and imple- menting our own wellness practices, will welcome the valuable information proffered here. Most compelling is his constant exhortation to "discover, identify, activate, and develop" the immense, innate healing abilities of the human body and brain, rather than relying on potentially harmful, and often ineffective, pharmaceuticals and medical procedures. To this end, he has compiled a fascinating compendium of practical therapies encompassing everything from hiccups to enhancing brain function. Central to activating our healing abilities is optimizing diet and exercise. Dr. Saldmann's advice on caloric restriction and exercise can be easily implemented by even the most recalcitrant among us, including exercises to boost our self-control. More obscure and provocative subjects covered include telepathy, magnetism, astrology, and chiromancy (palmistry), e.g., correlating the proportionate length of the index fi nger with prostate cancer incidence. Well-written and entertaining, this volume is an essential self- care reference for empowering and vitalizing body and soul. (Healing Arts Press) — Marcy Emmer Graham By Frédéric Saldmann, M.D. YOU ARE YOUR OWN BEST MEDICINE A Doctor's Advice on the Body's Natural Healing Powers BOOKS By James Olson Why Left Hemisphere Dominance Has Brought Humanity to the Brink of Disaster and How We Can Think Our Way to Peace and Healing How Whole Brain Thinking Can Save the Future Harness the Full Power of Your Brain Although we've been told for decades that we only use a small portion of our brain's capacity, it is now known that the entire brain is always active in some way. Yet for most of us, only one of our two brain hemispheres is actually running the show. For a majority of people, the left-brain viewpoint serves as our guide. How Whole Brain Thinking Can Save the Future explores the serious crisis we now face because of the left-brain bias in our civilization. Research reveals that this left-brain bias is the root cause for many of our systemic and chronic issues—centuries of war, violence, racism, political polarization, and disharmony between the sexes. What can you do about this great unbalance? Learn how to consciously draw into your thinking the power of both hemispheres. In this unique book, award-winning author James Olson explains how and why thinking with our whole brain will lead us to peace and to the ultimate healing of our relationships and our world. By tapping the power of both hemispheres, we can stop living in the extremes and become fully aligned and truly evolved people. James Olson's achievement in this book is nothing less than astonishing—his breakthrough work points the way to a future of harmony, peace, and equality for all. Psychology/NeuroscieNce/self-helP 9 781579 830519 51995> ISBN 978-1-57983-051-9 $19.95 What you'll learn inside this book: • How men can better understand women and women truly understand men • The way brain hemispheres work and why you think the way you do • How to improve your decision-making by consciously using both hemispheres • Why you feel certain attractions, repulsions, and compulsions • How genetics and brain dominance combine to determine sexual orientation • The source of our political polarization and how to reverse it "A fascinating and important read. Olson provides an essential missing piece to understanding ourselves and each other, and charts a path to a more holistic governance of peace." — Anodea Judith, PhD, bestselling author of Eastern Body, Western Mind "As a gay man who has worked for decades running a comprehensive human services agency focused on youth and families, I found Olson's original treatment of sexual orientation to be plausible and very insightful. I believe his book will serve as a helpful guide for the gay community." — Dr. George Belitsos, Founder and CEO Emeritus of Youth & Shelter Services How Whole Brain Thinking Can Save the Future How Whole Brain Thinking Can Save the Future Why Left Hemisphere Dominance Has Brought Humanity to the Brink of Disaster and How We Can Think Our Way to Peace and Healing James Olson How Whole Brain Thinking Can Save the Future James Olson How Whole Brain Thinking Can Save the Future James Olson "A thoughtful message of hope that transcends today's polarizing culture." — Foreword Reviews 34