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Hustle! Be Authentic. has replaced my former money- chasing philosophy. Fear-based money chasing has ex- hausted our bodies and depleted our souls. ere is a new money conver- sation going on, and it's holistic. Ho- listic wealth, at its core, is fuelled by heart-centered, compassionate, and authentic leadership. Like most, I had to learn the value of Holistic Wealth the hard way—by being crushed into fine wine. I had to learn through ex- perience that the hustle and chase for more money may lead to cash but would also lead to disconnection. When we embark on the obsessive chase for more, we miss the point of it all—the moments that are happening right now. As I recovered from my tension-filled and fear- based lifestyle, I returned to breath, meaning, and simplicity. Not only did my body thank me, but my bank account did as well. 1. Net Worth and Self Worth go Hand in Hand Our individual relationship with money is always an external projection of our internal relationship with ourselves. How we treat, respect, discuss, and manage money is a real-life measure of our own self-worth. e more powerfully and authentically you lead in your life, the greater financial returns you will reap. is requires setting clear goals and intentions and also requires you to commit to letting go of habits and thoughts that are misaligned from your desired destination. ere is a leadership crisis in the world today. e world needs you to courageously lead with authenticity and grace. Use your net worth as a fun yet powerful measure of your leadership development each year. As you lead with greater grace and courage, your money will follow in your footsteps. 2. Authenticity and Well-Being are Magnets for Money We are magnetically drawn to people who beam brightly with radiance and well-being. Not only do we want to be around them, we want to work with them (and hire them!). Radiant well-being is the new business card. I have made it a practice to energetically 'feel out' the leader in the room. When I attend a conference or meeting, I can instantly identify a tribe builder. ey have a spe- cial light and energy about them. ey've made it a habit to let their authenticity and well-being be their ticket. ey don't need Here are five simple strategies for creating a more vibrant connection with yourself and your money: 26