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opportunities it manifests. Dynamic ener- gy is given off by an act of creation, and the energy that comes from the chaotic side of creation is powerful. It is uneven and somewhat like being in an earth- quake. is dynamic energy is un- certainty. But it is an amazing en- ergy once we tap into it and ride it like a wave. e Sisterhood taught me to not stand and fi ght the wave, but to throw myself into it. Like the dolphins riding the surf line, when you relax and move with the current, you rise to the surface and maintain your sense of direction. Uncertainty in life is like that and we choose how to face it. As shamans, we learn to see the energy between all living things – the energy of true power. is is a vast, unlimited source of energy that few ever learn to tap into. It is important not only for your personal healing, but also for the healing needed on the planet. I want you to be aware of the truth that energy is just energy. It is not good or bad, not dark or light, until someone or something focuses it. Energy itself is pure and unaff ected in its original state and is incredibly powerful. It is your awareness of energy that al- lows you to begin to use it, to tap into its power to create the life you desire, to bring healing to yourself, your loved ones, the planet. Within awareness, you make a shi of consciousness. e chaos of today is the result of your resistance to this shi . It is essential, now more than ever, that you look at the choices you make and why you hold resistance in your body which creates a block literally in your life force. is can cause disease later on. rough- out much of the world the economical fi eld of energy is very stressed. is stress spills over into almost every aspect of your life, as you worry about how to support your family, as our countries move ever deep- er into debt, creating an instability that will become the legacy your grandchildren inherit. is all results in fear; your inability to create mean- ingful changes causes you to put up walls of resistance, to separate from others, to fear and distrust those with whom you disagree with on how to improve our world. at resistance depletes your energy, sep- arates you from Great Spirit, creating more chaos in your life and thereby in the world. When you move into awareness of this resistance, you begin to see the role that chaos plays in your life, and begin to understand your own pow- er to shi your reactions from fear to creativity. You begin to experience the freedom of letting resistance go, feel the fl ow of energy moving through you again, and allow creativity to bring new choices and new opportunities. You begin to enjoy magical adventures that present themselves, and fi nd the way to forgive yourself for not under- standing fear. Creativity is a great heal- er that enhances your personal power, and is your portal into the energy fi eld of a truly fearless, generous, purpose- ful, and bountiful life. "It is your awareness of energy that allows you to begin to use it, to tap into its power to create the life you desire." As one of America's best known shamanic healers and veteran metaphysical instructors, Lynn Andrews is the New York Times and internationally bestselling author of more than 20 books including her foundational book, Medicine Woman. She has spent the last 30 years studying with shamanic women on three con- tinents and offering her unique teachings to a new generation of women through her Mystery School and Writing School. Visit 24