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comes a book that pick s up where BL EEP l ef t of f. From the Creator of S U R P R I S E ! Not really. Rather it's a 90 degree turn into the doorways of the Mystical. It's not a Proof of these unseen Worlds – it's an Experience. "The (not so) Little Book of Surprises is a road map of insight, poetry, breathtaking photographs and humor in a thoroughly enjoyable combination." – Jack Canfi eld Coauthor of Chicken Soup for the Soul ® "This is an extraordinary journey for the soul, a breath taking book. A must read during these uncertain times. "Surprises" is a book of hope for our world." – Donna Karan Fashion icon Available on Amazon and where fi ne books are sold. DEIRDRE HADE Words & Wisdom WILLIAM ARNTZ Concept & Creation ENDRE BALOGH Photos & Images that everything that is placed before us, every experience in life, is an opportunity for growth and evolution. We see clearly that life is incapable of producing an event or condition that does not carry us to the next place in our evolution, and that is not designed for our next opportunity to express Divinity. The powerful new idea that such applied spirituality brings us is to change our thought about change itself, and to ask how we can use it to advance our own evolution. With this unique perspective, we may now look back upon January 20 as a powerfully positive moment in our lives, our nation's history, and the future of our species. This is a day on which we can begin to put the divisiveness in our nation behind us, creating an environment in which our differences do not have to create divisions, our contrasts do not have to create confl icts, and the variations in our beliefs do not have to create verbal or physical violence in our lives. Not coincidentally, this is what Americans have declared throughout history that America itself is all about. Or to put it another way, it really does come down to what we've said on our coins. In God we trust. Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual teacher whose books have sold more than 15 million copies world- wide. He is the author of 29 books including the immensely popular Conversations with God, which remained on the New York Times bestseller list for nearly three years. Neale is dedicated to helping the world move from violence to peace, confusion to clarity, and from anger to love. Neale has a new talk show on Amazon. Visit Conversations with Neale to see season one. Tran scend ence Tran scend ence february/march 2017 19