CDG - The Costume Designer

Winter 2017

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8 The Costume Designer Winter 2017 Most of the world has four seasons: winter, spring, summer, and fall. But in Hollywood, we have five seasons, including awards season, and it's in full swing right now. As we are prepping for our 19th CDG Awards this February 21, we continue to highlight the artistry of Costume Design. Our awards show is one of the most respected events in Hollywood, where we gather to celebrate the work of our peers and our colleagues. This year's Costume Design Award nominees show the diverse talent of Costume Designers working in film, television, commercials, and music videos. The Short Form Design category has become one of the most interesting, as it covers so many diverse design projects. We have revamped our submission process to facilitate the submissions and include agents and managers to remind members to submit their work. We are constantly working to make the process easier for our members. We are proud to be honoring Costume Designer Jeffrey Kurland with the Career Achievement Award. His work has delighted and inspired us for years and continues to do so. We are honoring iconic actor Meryl Streep with the Distinguished Collaborator Award. Her chameleon-like ability to transform herself into the characters she plays goes hand in hand with the Costume Designers she has worked with to help create cinematic magic. The Lacoste Spotlight Award is being presented to delightful and stylish Lily Collins. The Distinguished Service Award goes to costume illustrator and assistant Costume Designer Lois DeArmond. Lois is a long-standing member of the CDG. Her artwork has been admired and sought after by a legion of Costume Designers for many years. We are inducting the late, great Ret Turner into the CDG Hall of Fame. His presence is missed, but his legacy lives on. The new CDG building is done. We have moved in and hosted the CDG Holiday Party to a packed house of mem- bers. It was such a beautiful evening and I loved having everyone enjoy their new home. There is still some landscaping to do and the signage to go up, but the building is fully functional and we look forward to the members using it as often as possible. We are planning our next series of Education Committee classes, so I hope to see you all very soon. With so much work back here in California, it's going to be a busy pilot season, so update your résumés and get ready for the madness! In solidarity, Salvador Perez PRESIDENT'S LETTER UNION LABEL "The fi rst time the actor sees the character is in the fi tting room, character begins with a costume." – Salvador Perez

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