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OUr INBOx June/July 2012 | FREE VITAMINS the pros & cons of fouNTAIN of youTh in a capsule oNE MINERAL you absolutely need eclectic, luxurious ToPANGA GAy PRIdE celebrates new milestones APhRodISIAc appreciation as an how a PSychIc changed my life hEALThy hollandaise sauce ed. reply: Unfortunately we don't have archives from that far back. But we love knowing that readers sometimes keep our magazines for more than three decades. Desperately Seeking Answers* There is an article by ellen Lambert about the power of yes ("The Power of Yes: Life lessons from a psy- chic," June/July 2012)/ Is it possible to know the contact information of the psychic she is referring to? —rita, via email We love your letters! Please share your opinion and help shape future issues. Write to (Letters may be edited for space and clarity.) Mining the Archives Looking to contact the writer of this past article:"river of Life" by Karolyn Kempner, published in Whole Life Times some time in March or april 1979, 1980 or 1981. Can you be of any help? Love your magazine, thank you so much for your valuable input! This time there was an article that specifically struck me, "The Power of Yes" from ellen M. Lambert. Would it be possible to con- nect me with the writer or would you be able to kindly provide me with the contact information of the psychic she writes about? Thank you so much for your help in this, it means a lot to me. —Pamela, via email —Manuel Perry, via email ed. reply: We are unable to provide the name of this particular psychic, but in psychic matters (as in most things), there is no one-size-fits- all. We encourage you to use your intuition in choosing one of the talented and intuitive psy- chics who regularly advertise in our magazine. *Please also see our related blog post on Psychic read- ings at More on Magnesium Thanks for the great article, Katie ("Marvelous Magnesium," June/July 2012). The commonly agreed-upon ratio of 2:1 calcium to magnesium found in many cal-mag supplements traces back to the French scientist Dr. Jean Durlach, who stipulated the 2:1 ratio as an outermost not- to-be-exceeded level when considering calcium intake from all sources (food, water and supple- ments). This has been largely misunderstood and is taken as a recommendation of a 2:1 calcium- to-magnesium imbalance. More information about the importance of balancing calcium with magnesium can be found at this non-commercial site, www.nutritional- They also offer a free e-book on the subject. Home Yet a World away," we wrote that Topanga was a Chumash settlement; it was actually Tongvan. , is medical director of the recommended site. Correction: In last issue's story on Topanga, "Close to —Boris, web post ed. note: Carolyn Dean, MD, who was quoted in our story August/September 2012 9