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professional services directory Akashic Records Readings & Trainings with Barbara Schiffman, ARCT, C.Ht. Accelerate your spiritual and personal evolution by directly accessing the Akashic Records, your Soul's energy-archive of all lifetimes. Records intro sessions and Practitioner Certification Trainings throughout SoCal. Certified Teacher Barbara Schiffman leads Akashic Private Readings and Life&Soul Coaching also available. Therapy & Counseling lisa lichtenstein, MFT, c.H.T., NlP PSycHoTHeraPy, NlP & HyPNoTHeraPy Do you have dreams that you want to turn into reality? Are there personal qualities that you want to develop or release? Do you want to speed up your growth pro- cess? If you answer yes, I can help. In a safe & warm environment, I combine hypnother- apy, neurolinguistic programming & psychology with sensitivity/emotional support to help transform you into your highest potential self. With your willingness anna Maria Panici HyPNoTHeraPy & PaST-liFe regreSSioNS Change your thoughts and change your life! I am offer- ing my hypnosis and energy healing services to help you achieve and live the life of your dreams. Whatever it is that you want to experience and manifest... you can! Hyp- nosis works miracles by removing blocks and old patterns from the past from deep within your subconscious mind. Yoga By releasing old painful traumas and clearing up the energetic blockages you will feel happier, healthier and free to live the life of your dreams! 818.636.8658 Param yoga Healing arts center TraNSForMaTioN wiTH yoga Our goal is to foster individual transformation by applying yoga concepts in all aspects of life to support happy, healthy empowered men and women in our community. Founded & Facilitated by Marydale, E-RYT 500, RMT, CYT Join us for: • Daily Practice mixed level yoga classes • Yoga Therapy • Prime of Life Yoga classes (ages 40–70+) • Private Reiki Energetics Healing Sessions • Reiki Training Levels I, II, ART and Master Teacher • Community Gatherings, Workshops & Events Simona yoga Free, creaTive, SPoNTaNeouS Located in the heart of Los Feliz, Simona Yoga is your local "Yoga House" with a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. At Simona Yoga, anybody interested in relaxing and enjoying yoga is welcome to come join. We offer yoga & meditation classes during the week, workshops peace for deep meditation or simply silence. Simona Yoga is a school for people who want to express their souls and be free, creative and spontaneous." and teacher training in several disciplines. Plus, you can enjoy the common area, where you can read a book, drink a cup of tea and socialize. There is also a meditation room, open to anyone seeking yoga at the village all levelS yoga claSSeS Annual 200-Hr. and quarterly 500-Hr. Yoga Alliance Teachers' Train- ing available. New Student Special! 10 classes in 10 days for $30! Seniors, adults, kids, the yoga challenged and the skeptical are welcome! You're neither too young nor too old… promise! Demysti- fying the cynic is our goal. Our principle? If you introduce your mind to your body, they just might like each other. Have fun, be creative and find patience for you! 1306 Sonora Ave., Glendale 91201 August/September 2012 47 818.265.9833 4446 Ambrose Avenue, Los Feliz, CA 90027 • 323.663.0245 Simona Yoga & my guidance, we can integrate and manifest your goals. Transform financial stress or general anxiety into empowerment • Stop Smoking • Lose Weight • Procrastination • Fear of Flying • Public Speaking • Develop Confidence • Past Life Regression • Eliminate Performance Anxiety • Eliminate Fears & Phobias • Overcome Dyslexia • Victims Compensation Program Accepted (Lic. # MFC 39938) Insurance Accepted 310.399.2179 "The combination of knowledge and power found in the Records activates the highest good of all."—Linda Howe, How to Read the Akashic Records Akashic Records" Certification Retreat 9/16-20/12 at Glen Ivy Retreat Center (Corona CA); call for details. Join Barbara at Akashic author-expert Linda Howe's "Healing Through the 818.415.3479 21750 Devonshire Street, Chatsworth, CA 91311 747.224.0402 Yoga Yoga Yoga Therapy & Counseling Therapy & Counseling Spiritual Pratice