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success track How to Enhance your DECision Making J reasonably certain they are rational, consistent and safe. But just how consistent and careful are we? How udgement counts. We all make a lot of decisions in business and like to think that we make the big ones with enough time, care and attention that we can be far are our decisions influenced by external trivia? That's the question three business school academics set out to answer when they studied decision-making by parole judges. The law was a good test situation; legal decisions are The reasons for this are intriguing and important. Energy consumption Making any kind of choice—from buying a car to sign- ing a lease, hiring an employee to making plane reser- vations—depletes mental resources. That's one reason you get hungry and crave sugary foods; your brain quite literally wants energy in the form of glucose. more rules-bound than business is, and therefore (it might be assumed), less susceptible to wide variation. Decid- ing on a prisoner's parole is a palpably serious issue that warrants, and gets, serious, concerted attention, so we'd expect consistent decision making. But what they found was shocking: It was more likely that a prisoner would be granted parole if the application was heard at the very beginning of the work day or after a food break. Transform Your Life! BECOME A CERTIFIED LIFE COACH Learn Everything You Need to Succeed and to Help Others Succeed in Just 2 Days! Teach others how to: • Find Their True Purpose • Get Motivated and Enthusiastic • Overcome Limiting Beliefs • Create Additional Income • Achieve Inner Peace • Manifest Abundance in All Areas Fulfill your own true life purpose and help others find theirs. Start building a career where you work for yourself. Don't delay, your best life starts now! REGISTER NOW TO GET YOUR LIFE COACH PRACTITIONER CERTIFICATION September 29 & 30 November 17 & 18 Los Angeles Marriott Hotel 866.455.2155 30 Master Trainer and Certified Life Coach Practitioner Celia Ward-Wallace Learn more: • 855-4-BASTYR Create a Healthier World Pursue a career as a primary care doctor at the only accredited school of naturopathic medicine in California Inadvertent simplification As your brain gets tired, it strives to conserve energy, and it does so by simplifying choices. We are more likely to accept the status quo when a decision is needed after many have already been made. Over time, we just reach for the simplest answer. Fortunately there are simple and effective ways to en- hance your decision making. Eat breakfast Your brain needs the calories and you make better deci- sions when your brain has the energy it needs. NURTURE • YOUR • CALLING " I want to bring Stephen Phipps, Class of 2013 integrative health to everyday people. "