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SEASONAL COCKTAILS Packs a M ichael Collins Irish whiskey has been on the tip of our tongue since its launch. Awarded with numer- ous honors by THE TASTING PANEL and the San Francisco World Spirits Competition, the brands two expressions—Michael Collins 10 Year Old Single Malt and Michael Collins Blended Irish Whiskey—are made with locally harvested spring barley and dis- tilled with soft, pure local mountain spring water. Both are matured in small bourbon-seasoned casks where the cool, moist Irish air brings the whiskies to maturity. "Michael Collins Irish Whiskey pays homage not only to Michael Collins, the legendary Irish hero synonymous with independence, but to Ireland's authentic whiskey-making history and tradition," says Bill Henderson, Executive Vice President, Marketing and Advertising at Sidney Frank Importing Company, Inc. "Our 10 Year Old Single Malt provides the whiskey afi cionado's discern- ing palate with a unique Irish malt and the Michael Collins Blended serves as the perfect ingredient for mixologists and cocktail enthusiasts in this time of Irish whiskey resurgence." 32 / the tasting panel / august 2012 MICHAEL COLLINS IRISH WHISKEY IS A HIT WITH SUMMER DRINKS Punch! Sidney Frank Importing Company's Corporate Mixologist, Todd Richman cools us down with two versions of Michael Collins- inspired punch. Sidney Frank Importing Company's Corporate Mixologist, Todd Richman, shows us how Michael Collins Irish Whiskey can punch up the summer. Emerald Trader Punch serves 16 ◗ 2 cups white cane sugar ◗ Peels of 6 oranges ◗ 16 oz. freshly squeezed and strained lemon juice ◗ 32 oz. unsweetened Earl Grey tea ◗ 6 oz. Smith & Cross Rum ◗ 18 oz. Michael Collins 10 Year Old Single Malt Whiskey ◗ 8 oz. sparkling water ◗ 1 orange cut into wheels for garnish ◗ 1 lemon cut into wheels for garnish ◗ In a chilled punch bowl, muddle the cane sugar with the orange peels to make an oleo saccharum paste. Add the lemon juice to taste until the mixture is well combined. Then add the tea, rum and whiskey in that order, slowly stirring and tasting along the way. Add block ice*, garnish with the lemon and orange wheels and top with sparkling water. *An ice block can be made by freezing water in a plastic storage container. Alternatively, add cubed ice to the glass before serving. Coast of Donegal Punch serves 16 ◗ 5 lemons, peeled (save lemons for juicing) ◗ 5 oranges, peeled (save oranges for juicing) ◗ 2 cups of white cane sugar ◗ 16 oz. freshly squeezed and strained lemon juice ◗ 8 oz. freshly squeezed and strained orange juice ◗ 32 oz. chilled black tea ◗ 24 oz. Michael Collins Blended Irish Whiskey ◗ 2 cups soda water ◗ 1 orange cut into thin wheels for garnish ◗ 1 lemon cut into thin wheels for garnish ◗ In a large chilled punch bowl, muddle the lemon and orange peels with the sugar, creating the oleo saccharum. Slowly add the lemon and orange juices until the oleo saccharum is well dissolved. Add the tea while stirring, then add the whiskey. Garnish with lemon and orange slices and chill the bowl and contents. Before serving, top the punch with chilled soda water and add block ice. C M Y CM MY CY CMY K