The Tasting Panel magazine

August 2012

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Burgers & Villages–matched burger at Et Voilà in San Luis Obispo, CA. Chopped duck tops the Beaujolais- august 2012 / the tasting panel / 121 CREATIVITY IS INSPIRED WHEN IT COMES TO THIS FORM- MEETS-FUNCTION PAIRING Beaujolais L by Joel Blum ong before the discovery of the New World and the invention of the gas barbecue grill, two French dukes issued unusual decrees that forbade the growing of Gamay grapes in Burgundy. No one could have predicted then that these edicts would one day alter the way 21st-century Americans wash down their hamburgers. Folks not prone to conspiracy theories (or who think the French are the quintes- sential arbiters of good taste) might actually believe Duke Philippe the Bold's claim in 1395 that Gamay had to go simply because it lacked a requisite elegance. The bold duke, and again years later his grandson Duke Philippe the Good, insisted that Pinot Noir was much more representative of Burgundian chic and banished the frumpy Gamay for the fashionable good of their region.

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