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BACK TO SCHOOL | WEAnews 8 NEA 360 Update Coleen Haines WEA Communications Director NEA Decision on Project Direction, Acceleration • NEA360 platform development encountered unexpected and repeated obstacles, especially related to the complexity of building a new membership management system. • After extensive consultation with Phase 1 State Affiliates (SEAs) (of which Wyoming is one), NEA leaders, and staff, as well as an independent expert consultant, the project leadership concluded that the project had to develop in a different direction; project leaders consequently took action to implement that change. • Instead of building a new membership management tool to take the place of IMS, NEA360 will proceed by leveraging the power of the CRM (customer relationship management) application and connect it to an enhanced IMS system (NEA's current membership data system). • This will permit the project to be built more quickly, lessen training time, and hasten delivery to the field. Project Key Strategies, Structure • The project continues with its original vision of using technology to be closer to our members. • The project continues with its enterprise strategy, valuing and indeed depending on the constant input of SEA staff experts to assure a quality product and strong adoption program. • The project has assumed an iterative approach, meaning that the NEA360 platform will start with essential core features and continually improve at regular intervals, based on SEA use and feedback. • To drive this change, the project has implemented a new structure, installing a project management function that operates alongside the technical team, thereby creating a seamless connection between the needs of users to the build of the system. SEA Adoption staff and Learning Program (training) staff met the week of December 12, 2016, to capture the training needs for SEAs based on the project changes. While the training will focus on the power of the CRM, there will still be some training on IMS to include updates to the system. So, what is NEA 360? NEA360 is a comprehensive project that introduces new tools, technology, and ways of working to enable our Association to better meet our members' current and future needs. The NEA360 product is a new technology system that transforms the way the Association collects and utilizes data to communicate, interact, and engage with members, prospective members and communities. This system will provide the association the ability to collect data so that we can better understand individuals, what they value, and how to be more relevant to them. NEA360 includes a comprehensive user adoption program to support Association leaders and staff in learning new ways to work using the technology systems. This project will help ensure that the Association has the knowledge, skills, processes, support, and information to be successful once the new systems are live. As the liaison for Wyoming, a Phase 1 state, we feel comfortable with the changes to NEA360, and look forward to launching something for our members in 2017. Additional information will be provided as more details are available. Thank you for your continued support. NEA and WEA will be providing regular updates of the NEA360 project reporting on new developments.