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BACK TO SCHOOL | WEAnews 6 Your WEA At Work Early Career Educator Leads Up To Grab The Early Career Educator Campaign kicked off at the beginning of this school year, with WEA field staff, your state and local leaders, and fellow members driving questions to our new and potential members, asking what they were interested in from their Association. This effort centered around not only reaching out to those educators in their first five years of employment in education and asking them to join the WEA, but also to gather their concerns, issues and wants from the Association. Data collected is available to WEA and will drive our actions from this point forward in order to assist our Early Career Educators, as well as continuing the services traditionally offered. Our initial efforts centered around two or three "trial locals" in each region. We are in the middle of this campaign and are still working through what promises to be an invigorated approach for next fall. However, this effort is not over and ties directly into our current Grab 3 efforts. "I'm always so appreciative of the work our members do regarding approaching and engaging new and potential members. The constant building of WEA's membership campaigns for recruiting members is a constant flow in ways for us to build our voice within the state," said WEA Vice President Grady Hutcherson. The success of Grab 3 during the last school year gained WEA over 170 members, and more than 370 over the last four years. This campaign, which signs up members, certified and classified, under a pro-rated dues structure, started November 15 th and ends April 1, 2017. This timeframe, after the rush of back-to-school, and prior to and during the Legislative session, allows potential members to hear of the efforts of the Association as well as ask questions on what role the Local plays in her/his district. Thanks to current WEA members, we are inviting and engaging potential members to belong. Our ability to be the voice of all educators in Wyoming continues to grow, thanks to these increases. It is important now, more than ever, that we strengthen the WEA voice as we head into trying funding times for education in Wyoming. It is important for the Legislature to realize how respected WEA is when it comes to fighting for our members and Wyoming students. Why are educators joining the Wyoming Education During Pro-rated and Grab 3 Campaigns Increase in Membership Resulting from Pro-rated Dues Pro-rated Dues