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BACK TO SCHOOL | WEAnews 26 Announcements Recognize Leaders in Education Every year, the Wyoming Education Association Board of Directors reviews nominations for various awards to help honor those who contribute to the WEA and/or Wyoming public education. Following is a list of award categories to help recognize these special people. Recipients will be recognized during the WEA Delegate Assembly in April. Gold Key Award School Bell Award Green Apple Award Friend of Education Award Harriett Liz Byrd Award ESP of The Year Nomination NEA - NFIE Award For Teaching Excellence For more information on each category and to download nomination forms, visit our website: Nomination forms are due no later than January 23, 2017. For more information, contact WEA Executive Administrative Assistant Julie Schwindt. (800) 442-2395 ext. 103, WEA AWARDS JANUARY 2014 10 Legisla ture Convenes 13-14 Progam Budget 16 O ffices Closed - MLK Day 27-28 Board of Directors Meeting - Cheyenne 29 RBL Conference - Cheyenne 29 W EA/W PEA Legisla tive Reception 30 RBL Lobbying View complete calendar 10 NFIE Gala 24-26 Leadership Summi t - Orlando, FL FEBRUARY 3 Legisla ture Adjourns 6-24 PAWS Tes ting 9-11 NEA ESP Conference 11 Central/Nor theas t Regions DA Briefing - Casper 18 Southwes t Region DA Briefing - Rock Springs 18 Nor thwes t Region DA Briefing - Thermopolis TBD Southeas t Region DA Briefing MARCH CALENDAR