Wyoming Education Association

Winter 2016

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BACK TO SCHOOL 2016 | wyoea.org 25 NEA® Certificate of Deposit Account Learn more about this offer at neamb.com/savings. EXCLUSIVE ACASH BONUS! 2 Discover Bank Don't miss out on this NEA ® Member Exclusive! Now's the time to open an NEA® Certificate of Deposit Account. Open and fund your account today and receive these exclusive benefits. ► CD rates that consistently exceed the national average 3 ► Flexible terms from 3 months to 10 years ► Open with as li‚le as $2,500 ► Receive 24/7 support from U.S.-based banking specialists ► Exclusive cash bonus! 2 The NEA Savings Program also offers great rates on Money Market Accounts, Online Savings Accounts and IRA Certificates of Deposit. Deposit accounts offered by Discover Bank, Member FDIC. Use offer code NEAS0816 NEA® CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT ACCOUNT APY 1 For a 12-month term Rates are accurate as of 12/5/2016 Call 1-800-347-7032 and use offer code NEAS0816 EARN MORE WITH AN EXCLUSIVE CASH BONUS 2 1 Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is accurate as of 12/5/2016 and subject to change daily without notice. This offer applies to personal accounts only. A penalty may be charged for early withdrawal. Fees could reduce earnings on the account. Minimum opening balance is $2,500. 2 To qualify for the $20 bonus offer, the applicant must: (i) be an Eligible NEA Member (an individual who is an NEA member as of the account application date, or any of the following individuals who is related to and is registered by such an NEA member as of the account application date: parent, spouse, domestic partner, son, daughter, parent of the spouse/domestic partner), and (ii) open either an NEA CD or Money Market account through Discover Bank with an initial minimum deposit of $2,500 or an NEA Online Savings account through Discover Bank with an initial minimum deposit of $500. NEA affiliation subject to verification. Bonus limited to one per Eligible NEA Member, per product, per calendar year. IRA CDs are not eligible for this offer. Bonus will be awarded via account credit within 60 days following the end of the month in which the account is funded and will be reported on IRS Form 1099-INT. Account must be opened at time of account credit. Offer may be withdrawn or modified at any time without notice. 3 National CD Average APY is based on specified product types of top 50 U.S. banks (ranked by total deposits) provided by Informa Research Services, Inc. as of 12/5/2016. Although the information provided by Informa Research Services has been obtained from the various institutions, accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Deposit accounts offered by Discover Bank, Member FDIC. ©2016 DISCOVER BANK, MEMBER FDIC. ©2016 NEA's Member Benefits Corp. NEA, NEA Member Benefits and the NEA Member Benefits logo are registered service marks of NEA's Member Benefits Corporation. GN570916 in partnership with Visit neamb.com/savings or call 1-800-347-7032 for more details. To get your cash bonus 2 , open and fund an account using offer code NEAS0816 today. CSNR0814

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