Fall 2016 The Costume Designer 61
marthaseelydesign.com • maseely@comcast.net
Deep Discounts for
CDG Members
CD Kristin Burke started an organization called Second Families.
The goal is to connect American families directly with refugee fami-
lies across Southern California in the spirit of compassion, under-
standing, and support to help them get back on their feet. Most of
the refugees they are working with are from Syria, and they have
been resettled in El Cajon, California. These families have been
through the horrors of war, then several years in refugee camps.
They have no possessions. Second Families is designed to support
them with NFIs (Non-Food-Items) like clothing, housewares, and
school supplies. If you'd like to adopt a family, please get in touch
with Burke at secondfamilies@hotmail.com. If you'd like to pur-
chase items for refugees directly on Amazon, check our Facebook
page (https://m.facebook.com/secondfamiliesdotnet/) as lists are
regularly updated. Burke says, "Your support is appreciated."
Compiled and written by:
Bonnie Nipar
Stacy Ellen Rich