Arizona Education Association

Winter 2016

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MARSHALL FOUNDATION EDUCATION GRANTS The Marshall Foundation supports charitable and educational institutions in Tucson and Pima County, Arizona. Among its priorities, the foundation encourages applications for special projects and capital support for institutional university and college scholarships, children and youth programs, education programs, cultural organizations and programs, and community service organizations. Eligible applicants must have 501(c)(3) status and have a project that will take place in Pima County or benefi t residents of Pima County. Visit for details to apply. The foundation does not provide operational or annual support; repeat funding for a project, unless outlined in the initial proposal; grants to projects outside Pima County; and grants to individuals. There are two funding periods each year, and applications are considered the month following each deadline. Applicants are notifi ed by mail within 60 days of the application review. Projects are considered based on the relevance to the organization's mission, completeness of the application, impact on the community, and availability of funds. Interested applicants must submit a Letter of Intent (LOI). Based on the LOI, invitations for a full proposal will be extended within three weeks of the LOI deadline. LAWRENCE FOUNDATION GRANTS The Lawrence Foundation is focused on making grants to support environmental, education, human services, and other causes. However, the foundation's interests are diverse and may occasionally lead into other areas. Both program and operating grants are available without any geographic restrictions. Nonprofi t organizations with public charity status and public schools and libraries are eligible for grants. Please note that the foundation does not fund religious, charter, or magnet schools. A more detailed list of requests that the foundation will not make is provided on the website. Grants are awarded twice a year in December and June. Grant applications received after a deadline will be considered for the next grant cycle. To apply, applicants should use the online Common Grant Application at the grants. Note that users need to register and create an account. EARTHWATCH INSTITUTE'S TEACH EARTH TEACHER FELLOWSHIPS The Teach Earth program is a travel and expeditionary learning program for U.S.-based educators. Each year, the Earthwatch Institute selects teachers in a variety of subject areas to "work side by side with world-class scientists on fi eld research expeditions around the world." The program is open to all educators, even educators without scientifi c backgrounds. Apply online at teach-earth-united-states by December 17, 2016. Teacher Opportunities ADE ADDRESSES TEACHER QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) did not retain the language from No Child Left Behind (NCLB) which outlined the qualifi cations for Arizona's core academic teachers using the defi nition of "Highly Qualifi ed." Per ESSA, local education agencies receiving Title I funds must ensure all teachers meet "applicable State certifi cation and licensure requirements." The Arizona Department of Education (ADE) has created a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document at hetl to address changes that will occur during the 2016-2017 transition year related to the previous teacher qualifi cation requirements. Contact ADE's Effective Teachers and Leaders Unit with additional questions at 602-364-1842. EDUCATION AND YOUTH PROGRAM GRANTS The Sam J. Frankino Foundation awards grants to qualifi ed nonprofi t organizations that address its funding priorities. Among those are support for schools and other academic institutions. The foundation welcomes partnerships with nonprofi t organizations that reach out to youth, particularly children who are homeless or within foster care, and that offer physical education programs. Eligible applicants must have 501(c)(3) status. Complete grant applications include the application form, available to download and print from the web page at; a cover letter, signed by chief executive offi cer and list of board trustees; proof of tax-exempt status; most recent annual report; and information on the organization history, strategic plan, services provided, service area, brief overview of grant purpose and project description, and evaluation method. Grant applications must include a project description that contains the following: statement of why the project is needed and the specifi c problems it will help to address, including relevant statistical data; project goals with specifi c measurable outcomes and indicators of success; project time line; total amount requested and line-item and projected budget, if available; project partners and their roles; other funding sources, including dollar amounts pending or confi rmed; and how the project will be sustained beyond the funding period. Multiyear funding requests for a maximum of two years are considered. Written proposals should be a maximum of four pages. All grant materials should be mailed to the contact address for receipt by the deadline. Applicants typically receive a funding decision within 65 days. 36 ADVOCATE | WINTER 2016

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