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WINTER 2016 | ADVOCATE 25 AEA Members Get Out the Vote for Schools! L ost amid the stunning results of the presidential election was the ballot measure and local races whose winners will affect more directly the day-to-day lives of Arizonans, including the level of support for students, families, and public education. AEA members across the state volunteered their Saturdays and weeknights through the election season to get out the vote for both the Primary and General Elections. Arizona became a battleground state and members and leaders from California Teachers Association and staff from the National Education Association joined AEA staff and members in a final get out the vote push before election day. As a result, hundreds of dedicated members made thousands of phone calls and knocked on thousands of doors to drive voters to turn in their early ballots or show up at the polls on Election Day. These efforts supported local bonds and overrides, Sean Bowie for state senator in legislative district 18, a ballot measure to increase the state's minimum wage and provide paid sick leave, and Hillary Clinton for president. While some of these candidates won, others did not. What's important is that these members were passionate about an issue or candidate and gave their time and effort to support them this election. They acted to influence the outcome of an election and became agents of change in support of public education in Arizona. Along the way, they made new friends, learned new skills, and grew as individuals and as effective local associations. They became part of something bigger themselves and in that way, they gained power. Join AEA in celebrating the victories we accomplished together and recognizing the hard work of members who answered the call to action.