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BACK TO SCHOOL | WEAnews 8 As your staff liaison to NEA for the NEA360 project, I'll be keeping staff updated and our project roll- out on schedule, as we begin the implementation phase very soon. Moving from a Phase 2 to a Phase 1B state has put Wyoming in the front lines of this new and exciting shift for membership recruitment! Our deployment team, consisting of Ron Sniffin, Dave Holt, Greg Herold, Cherie Cox, Linda Bottom, and Tiffany Mores, will begin testing the platform in late October. In August, more than 50 people from five states and NEA headquarters successfully ran 500+ tests on the latest version of the NEA360 platform. State testers represented the five development states: Delaware, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, and Tennessee. In each state, test leads identified and organized the testers in their state. The testers were "super users," often state membership processing experts, along with a variety of other user types, from communicators to policy experts. Up to this point, testing on NEA360 had been limited to vendor testing and NEA quality assurance testing, the latter involving a small number of NEA staff directly involved with the NEA360 project. The goal of the recent testing was for a much broader audience--representing a wide range of viewpoints--to use the NEA360 system and provide their insights on what is and isn't working with the latest version. The NEA360 testing team reports that the testing ran on schedule and met expectations. It allowed for the discovery of, in their words, "bugs, potholes, and usability concerns." As this letter goes to press, the majority of bugs have been fixed, and work is under way to fix the remaining bugs. The team also noted that involving the state test leads early was essential. This process of engaging with state test leads will continue in future testing. NEA360 is designed for us to collect more robust data from our members, so the association can better, more effectively serve our members. The Wyoming deployment team is looking forward to engaging the WEA Board, our members, and staff to ensure an effective rollout in 2017. So, what is NEA 360? NEA360 is a comprehensive project that introduces new tools, technology, and ways of working to enable our Association to better meet our members' current and future needs. The NEA360 product is a new technology system that transforms the way the Association collects and utilizes data to communicate, interact, and engage with members, prospective members and communities. This system will provide the Association the ability to collect data so that we can better understand individuals, what they value, and how to be more relevant to them. NEA360 includes a comprehensive user adoption program to support Association leaders and staff in learning new ways to work using the technology systems. This project will help ensure that the Association has the knowledge, skills, processes, support, and information to be successful once the new systems are live. NEA 360 Update Coleen Haines WEA Communications Director