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BACK TO SCHOOL | WEAnews 6 Your WEA At Work 2,000,000 New Educators Over the Next Five Years That's why NEA and our affiliates are leading the New Educator Engagement, Recruitment, and Supports Campaign (New Ed). The NEA has an opportunity to recruit and engage nearly 173,000 new educators nationwide. This school year, using one-on-one conversations, we will build strong relationships with the next generation of educators, and provide them with the support they need to succeed and elevate their voices on issues impacting student learning, instruction, and pro-public education policies. The top reason new educators leave the profession in the first five years is because they don't feel supported. We seek to help new educators make the transition and become successful. Through this campaign, the association will not only provide new educators with tailored professional support, but will cultivate a loyal relationship by demonstrating its relevance to new educators at the start of their career. However, existing data gaps undermine comprehensive efforts to support new educators. The New Ed campaign will bridge data gaps and deliver digital professional supports to new educators. Results can also help sustain ongoing organizing. For instance, if a new educator indicates an interest in social justice, a future organizing conversation could be framed by the local and/or state education associations' pro-education agenda. Better, smarter offline and online organizing requires data. The New Ed campaign intends to use this data to strengthen and build our association and our voice. Collecting, Processing, and Reporting Cards to NEA for Data Entry