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BACK TO SCHOOL 2016 | 5 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S MESSAGE Ron Sniffin WEA Executive Director Member-Driven WEA-PACE Throughout this magazine you will read much about the importance of electing friends of education to the Legislature. This is because the decisions legislators make have a direct impact on your profession, your students' education, and the welfare of their families. The Wyoming Education Association and our political arm, the Wyoming Education Association Political Action Committee for Education (WEA-PACE), are among the most powerful and respected lobbies and PACs in the state. Our strength comes from you, our members. The WEA-PACE process is entirely member-driven. If a candidate wants the endorsement, they must complete a questionnaire, then have an interview with members who live in the candidate's district. This interaction is often the beginning of a long relationship between a constituent and a legislator because later, when this candidate becomes or remains a legislator, he or she knows someone in their district who they can call to discuss education issues. This is one of the many reasons many legislators have said they value the WEA-PACE endorsement. A WEA-PACE endorsement tells our members, and all voters, that this candidate supports a high-quality education for all Wyoming students. This includes: a highly-qualified teacher in every classroom quality buildings where students are safe and can learn access to a rigorous curriculum that prepares students for work or higher education well-funded K-12 and community colleges a positive work environment that promotes student learning a supportive accountability system that provides training and support a healthy retirement system For a candidate, the endorsement means financial support. These funds come from totally voluntary contributions from WEA members. With modern campaigning, this money is critical to help a candidate get their message out to voters. On the back cover, you will see a contribution form. We strongly encourage at least a $20 annual donation to WEA-PACE and hope you will consider becoming a Super PACE-Setter by donating $100. Even more valuable than dollars is the physical support members provide candidates. We have members who understand how important it is to elect friends of education. They volunteer to help in a candidate's campaign. This help can range from labeling flyers for mailing, walking door- to-door, and/or making sure voters get out and vote. This type of support is what makes the difference between winning and losing a legislative race. I especially want to recognize the volunteer support from our WEA-Retired members. Studies show that educators are among the most trusted individuals in a community. Imagine your influence when you tell a neighbor that a candidate has the endorsement of the Wyoming Education Association. w w w w w w w