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BACK TO SCHOOL | WEAnews 20 Teaching & Learning Professional Development Opportunities Await You WEA Professional Development/Trainings Are Available to Your Local or Region Did you know that WEA can provide you with a variety of professional trainings to suit your members' particular interests and needs? See the many examples in the WEA Professional Development brochure at:, where you can also find other teaching and learning resources available to you! NEA AcAdEmy ONliNE cOursEs FOr PTsB crEdiT Your wYoming education association offers a selection of online courses that are approved with ptsb for renewal credits. these courses are offered through a joint agreement of the nea academY and the professional learning board, and have been carefullY screened against a set of qualitY standards developed bY nea members in consultation with learning forward. the courses can be accessed 24/7, making them verY convenient for Your busY life! approved courses at this time include: Child Abuse Prevention Cognitive Skills: Understanding Learning Challenges Common Core Implementation for All Classrooms Common Core Intervention Across the Curriculum Pedagogy Essentials Reaching Diverse Learners Reading Across the Curriculum Standards and Communication in Teaching Technology Today Understanding Special Learning Populations You can learn more about and enroll for the course(s) on the Professional Learning Board (PLB) website: state-below-to-get-started/wyoming/. As a WEA/NEA member, you are entitled to a discount on your tuition, which you will get by clicking on the "NEA Academy" button on the right on the PLB website.