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This issue features my review of Keith Richards' autobiography—a bit out of character for WLT. In a similar vein, I suspect many read- ers will fi nd my personal harvest season re- membrance, well, far from vegan, to say the least! When a young goat broke its neck in a sad farm accident, we honored his passing in ritual preparation and roasted him over an open fi re; spirit ascended and fl esh rejoined to the higher energy nexus. We celebrated a very 'Dia de los Muertos' Thanksgiving, reminiscent of the Stones' Goat's Head Soup, on an unusually balmy November afternoon in Northern Wisconsin, years ago. Mac Graham (Pg. 34) contributors When I became a vegetarian at the age of 12, my father proclaimed it "the dumbest thing he ever heard in his entire life." It took years to convince my family this wasn't a phase. During my most ob- noxious and militant teen years, I even fasted on Thanksgiving! Now I celebrate holidays with people who understand, or at least tolerate, my choices. And I make sure to bring some vegan dishes. Teresa Bergen (Pg. 29) One Halloween, when I was six years old, our beloved family dog Muffi n went missing— right after my sister and I'd gotten ready to go trick-or-treating, visions of sugary candies dancing in our heads. The search for Muffi n began, and when we couldn't fi nd her, my sister and I cried off all of our costume makeup. Turned out, Muffi n had fallen asleep in the shed. We were so relieved to fi nd her—once she woke up and revealed her hiding place, that is! Then it was back to makeup… It's a Halloween trick I'll never forget—Reese's Peanut Butter Cups never tasted so good. Beth Fitzer (Pg. 33) During the decade I was a vegetarian, my sister, a doc- tor, always made Thanksgiving dinners and, I always brought a veggie dish. And every year I was asked why I wasn't eating turkey. Now the dining tables have turned. When Sally recently tried a vegan diet to see if she would recommend it to her patients, she was thrilled to discover that being a vegan healed some of her own chronic health issues, and is now an advocate for veganism. As for me, I can forgo the turkey. Just don't take away my brown sugar yams with marshmallows on top. Aricia Lee (Pg. 23) It's the Season of the Witch and although we don't experi- ence quite the fall foliage and autumnal crispness of other parts of the country here in SoCal, we can always tell Au- tumn is on the way with annual pumpkin lattes popping up in coffee shops all over the Southland. Whether you take yours with soy, almond, hemp or coconut milk, light foam, no whip, and just a sprinkle of cinnamon or not, the tastes and fl avors of Halloween and Thanksgiving abound. We asked some of our contributors to share a special seasonal food memory for this issue. WORRIED? S T R E S S E D ? D E P R E S S E D ? There are answers in this book. BUY AND READ DIANETiCS T H E M O D E R N S C I E N C E O F M E N T A L H E A L T H MAY YO U N E V E R B E T H E S A M E AG A I N THE #1 BEST SELLING BOOK ON THE HUMAN MIND MAY YO U N E V E R B E T H E S A M E AG A I N BY L. RON HUBBARD PRICE: $25 DIANETiCS M E N T A L H E A L T H 4810 W. Sunset Blvd., LA CA 90027 Open daily: 9am - 10pm 8