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If you want to learn more about this colorful Lati- no tradition, don't be shy. Whatever your cultural roots, you're welcome at these San Diego festivities. OLD TOWN SAN DIEGO'S DIA DE LOS MUERTOS, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1–2 T he birthplace of San Diego, Old Town hosts the county's biggest Day of the Dead par- ty. is is a brilliant setting, as Old Town already has a Mexican Mercado feel and is full of historic buildings and Mexican restaurants. Organizers expect 75,000 participants this year, so think public transportation. More than 40 local museums, shops and busi- nesses will create altars for visitors to view. Altars will emphasize Old Town historic figures, as well as people personally known by the creators. You can add marigolds and photos of your own departed loved ones to a public altar. Visitors of all ages can learn to make paper flowers and masks, and paint their faces like skulls. Expect lots of noise, color and live entertainment. Everybody is invited to join the candlelight procession on November 2, which ends at El Campo Santo, a pioneer cemetery established in 1849. ENCINITAS DIA DE LOS MUERTOS, SATUR- DAY, OCTOBER 29 T he little surf town of Encinitas in San Diego's North County is hosting a smaller, family-friendly Dia de los Muertos celebration. Its logo? A smiling skeleton clutching a suroard. Visit the Encinitas Community Center on Saturday for a free aernoon of art, dancing and mariachi music. Dress up as La Calavera Catrina, the elegant grand dame of death, and enter the costume contest. h t t p s : / / e n c i n i t a s a r t s . o r g / p r o g r a m s / e n c i n i - tas-dia-de-los-muertos/ Escondido Dia de los Muertos, Tuesday, Nov. 1 E scondido, in the inland valley, hosts the county's second longest-running Day of the Dead cele- bration. is year's 21st annual festival at the Cali- fornia Center for the Arts features some of the best entertainment. Tierra Caliente Academy of Arts is presenting Mexico… Vive Su Folklor, a production that combines theater, ballet folklórico, and live folk music to tell the history of Mexico. If your tastes run to the more contemporary, you might enjoy a concert by Mexrrissey. Because haven't you always wondered what Smiths songs would sound like in Spanish with brass, accordion and a Latin beat? An area outside the arts center is available for guests to create altars celebrating their dearly departed. CARRERA DE LOS MUERTOS SAN DIEGO, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30 D ay of the Dead figurines depict skeletons en- gaged in ordinary activities, including cooking, sleeping and having sex. At the Carrera de los Muer- tos, you'll see hundreds of skeletons running a 5K. Costumed runners will start and finish at Chicano Park, amidst Hispanic murals. e post-party in- cludes mariachi music, dancing and Mexican food. Photos courtesy - Matthew Baldwin 30