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a similar seal, Qualita Italiana, and the Italian mint is rolling out a new tamper-proof label to identify the good stuff. High-qual- ity Greek and Tunisian oils are becoming more widely available in the States, and best of all, New World oils are quickly be- coming more common. Several experts I spoke to suggested that Chile and especially Australia were the most reliable quality producers. The latter has the strictest olive oil regulations and labeling on earth, and one widely acclaimed award-winning brand, Cobram Estate, just launched its oils into the US market at the national level. Cobram also purchased land in California and started producing oil here, so that they can offer Northern and Southern hemisphere harvests, with oil never more than six months old – in EVOO, freshness is everything. Frankie's Spuntino, a popular New York Italian restaurant with two locales and impeccable sourcing, has its own private label EVOO made on a single estate in Sicily, and sells it at the restau- rants, where it gained a cult following. Soon they were selling their Frankie's 457 extra virgin olive oil at Whole Foods, and it is now available nationally. It is pressed from a single olive vari- ety (Nocellara del Belice) grown organically on 300-400-year-old trees that are hand-pruned and hand-picked, in a DOP certifi ed area of Trapani, Sicily, consistently rated in the top 5 DOPs (Pro- tected Destination of Origin) in all of Italy. Due to its popularity, Whole Foods asked Frankie's to create a less expensive EVOO for its 365 house brand and new 365 stores. The result is Green Gold, a blend of Nocellara, Biancolilla, and Cerasuola olives, that sells for just ten dollars, about half the price of the 457, and is at both Whole Foods and 365 stores. With all of these new offerings, plus good existing options such as the Fresh Pressed Olive Oil Club and French Retailer O & Co., with stores of its own and distribution through gourmet shops, it is easier than ever to fi nd high quality, delicious, nutritious – and real – extra virgin olive oil. If only the future looked so bright for all the other Fake Foods. (Larry Olmsted is the author of the new hardcover book, Fake Food, Real Food (Algonquin) which takes the fi rst comprehen- sive look at the world's most delicious foodstuffs, why they mat- ter, and how they are widely imitated, from supermarkets to Mi- chelin-starred eateries.) We stand at the precipice of great change. Learn the Way of the EarthKeepers, and the wisdom of the Shamans. Heal yourself, Heal the World. Alberto Villoldo Ph.D. Founder of the Four Winds Society and bestselling author of Shaman, Healer, Sage, Power Up Your Brain, and One Spirit Medicine. Find out more: Toll Free: 877-421-7053 Heed the Call SHAMANIC ENERGY MEDICINE Fast track, full immersion course Prepares wise & ethical energy medicine practitioners Begin your journey today CALIFORNIA MARCH 6-APRIL 2, 2017 october/november 2016 17