In this time of the harvest and the
season of plenty for some, we consider
the haves and the have-nots. Here's a
look at food consumption and food in-
security statistics:
Sources: University of Illinois; University
of Nebraska; Guinness World Records;
Feeding America; USDA; UN World Trade
Organization .
46M turkeys are slaughtered
each Thanksgiving
86 pounds - The heaviest turkey
ever raised, weighing about the
same as a large dog
16.4 pounds - How much
turkey meat the average
American eats in a year
35M pounds of candy corn are
produced each year
3,699 pounds - largest pumpkin
pie on record
1 in 7 people will go hungry in
the United States tonight
1.7M LA County residents
struggle with hunger
300 calories in a serving of
Tofurky roast with stuffi ng
841M pounds of cranberries
produced in the USA annually
3.0B pounds - The total
weight of sweet potatoes
produced annually by major
sweet potato producing states.
2,750 calories per person, per
day from all the food produced
if it were divided among all the
people on earth
3,500 Numbers of feathers
turkeys will have at maturity
F O U N D E D 1 9 2 0 B Y P A R A M A H A N S A Y O G A N A N D A F O U N D E D 1 9 2 0 B Y P A R A M A H A N S A Y O G A N A N D A
S e l f - R e a l i z a t i o n F e l l o w s h i p
F O U N D E D 1 9 2 0 B Y P A R A M A H A N S A Y O G A N A N D A F O U N D E D 1 9 2 0 B Y P A R A M A H A N S A Y O G A N A N D A
S e l f - R e a l i z a t i o n F e l l o w s h i p
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