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2 cgw j u ly . a u g u s t 2 0 1 6 RENDER THE POSSIBILITIES ummer has finally arrived. Along with backyard games and barbe- cues, it means getting ready for the annual SIGGRAPH Confer- ence and Exhibition. This year, the show is being held in July rather than August, and the host city is Anaheim, California. Let's be honest, preparing for the show is hard work. Here at CGW, it means covering the latest technologies, especial- ly the cutting-edge visual effects in the summer blockbusters. It also means lining up speakers for CGW's "Get Connect- ed!" panel for the SIGGRAPH Student Volunteers, and working with SIGGRAPH's Computer Animation Festival committee on the festival guide. And this is just the tip of my iceberg. Yet, my workload for the event pales in comparison to that of all the volunteers and committee chairs who donate count- less hours every year to ensure that the upcoming SIGGRAPH is the even better than the last. Here, Mona Kasra, the SIGGRAPH 2016 conference chair, provides a look at what show-goers can expect (and what those not attending will miss). What can attendees expect differently this year? It is an exciting year! SIGGRAPH, as always, is evolving and growing with the industry when it comes to computer graphics and interactive techniques. This year, virtual reality, network culture (data-driven), emerging technology, and expansion of mobile and games are some of the growing areas at SIGGRAPH. What is this year's theme? The theme of the SIGGRAPH 2016 conference is "Render the Possibilities." Every summer, SIGGRAPH brings together various communities within computer graphics and interactive techniques. In 2016, we aspire to create stronger con- nections among our existing, converging, and emerging communities, and celebrate the transformational capabilities that arise when systems, ideas, and tech- niques intermingle. How does this year's theme resonate with you on a personal level? SIGGRAPH 2016 aims to cultivate innovative scholarship and practices that integrate, immerse, and aspire to make a positive contribution to the world around us. This is a mission close to my heart; I am fascinated by ways that technological advances and successful integrations of art, science, and technology can make the world a better place. How has SIGGRAPH influenced you personally and professionally? SIGGRAPH is a community where you connect with the most incredible minds and ideas. As a creative practitioner com- mitted to transdisciplinary and collabo- rative modes of scholarship, my work has thrived at SIGGRAPH. Not only has the conference offered me invaluable, enrich- ing, and inspiring experience and knowl- edge, but also granted points of connec- tion and collaboration with other scholars and professionals across disciplines. What positions have you held with SIGGRAPH in the past? I have contributed in various degrees over the past decade, serving on different juries and subcommittees. I was also the Art Gallery chair for SIGGRAPH 2011. The show is in Anaheim – what does this mean for attendees? We are delighted to be back in beautiful Anaheim. It is very convenient to travel to, especially for our conference attendees who come from around the world. Most importantly, Anaheim is less than hour outside of Los Angeles, a hub for high-tech innovation, research, and industry. What are some of the expected highlights of the show? Production Sessions and the Computer Animation Festival are always celebrated by attendees, and this year's lineup will be strong again! Production Sessions has Star Wars in the lineup, along with VFX work on several other recent films. Our highly regarded Technical Papers program will share groundbreaking re- search across a variety of topics – fabri- cation, displays and interaction, DSL and learning/neural net and perception, to name a few. The Experience Area is sure to be a hit. This area encompasses four key programs – the interactive Art Gallery, the hands-on Studio featuring a live/virtual Feuding S R E C E N T A W A R D S THE MAGAZINE FOR DIGITAL CONTENT PROFESSIONALS E D I T O R I A L EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Karen Moltenbrey e: t: 603.432.7568 DIRECTOR OF WEB CONTENT Marc Loftus e: t: 516.376.1087 CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Courtney Howard, Jenny Donelan, Kathleen Maher, George Maestri, Martin McEachern, Barbara Robertson PUBLISHER / PRESIDENT / CEO William R. Rittwage COP Communications A D V E R T I S I N G S A L E S DIRECTOR OF SALES—NATIONAL Mari Kohn e: t: 818.291.1153 c: 818.472.1491 DIRECTOR OF SALES—WEST COAST Jeff Victor e: t: 224.436.8044 CORPORATE SALES EXECUTIVE— EVENTS, CUSTOM AND INTEGRATED PRINT/ PUBLISHING SERVICES Lisa Neely e: t: 818.660-5828 EDITORIAL OFFICE / LA SALES OFFICE 620 West Elk Ave., Glendale, CA 91204 t: 800.280.6446 A R T / P R O D U C T I O N ART DIRECTOR Angela Akers e: DESIGNER Elena Lacey ONLINE AND NEW MEDIA Elvis Isagholi e: S U B S C R I P T I O N S 818.291.1158 C U S T O M E R S E R V I C E e: t: 800.280.6446, OPT. 3 COMPUTER GRAPHICS WORLD MAGAZINE IS PUBLISHED BY COMPUTER GRAPHICS WORLD, A COP COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY. Computer Graphics World does not verify any claims or other information appearing in any of the advertisements contained in the publication, and cannot take any responsibility for any losses or other damages incurred by readers in reliance on such content. 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