Computer Graphics World

July / August 2016

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j u ly . a u g u s t 2 0 1 6 c g w 2 5 Experiencing Reality VISIT MARS AND CONQUER EVEREST IN TWO REALISTIC JOURNEYS THAT PUSH VR BOUNDARIES I n the past year, virtual-reality experi- ences of all kinds have been popping up, now that VR headsets are finally becom- ing available. Last year, at the SIGGRAPH VR Village, show-goers had the chance to traverse a cable atop the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, canoe the waters of the Grand Canyon, explore a room inside an Egyp- tian pyramid, see ancient cave art, and so much more. This year, we are expecting even more engaging experiences as VR content creators keep pushing the limits of this medium. Two projects in particular are breaking new ground in terms of their graphics realism: Mars 2030 and Everest VR. Mars 2030, available later this year, lets users experience what life would be like on this planet. The science and information, as well as the imagery, is based on data provided by NASA. Meanwhile, Everest VR, available in late summer, takes users on a trek to the highest mountain on earth, through a landscape that is an authentic representation of the terrain.

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