Arizona Education Association

Summer 2016

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What is being said about… New KIDS COUNT Data Ranks Arizona 45th in Nation The Annie E. Casey Foundation published its annual KIDS COUNT® Data Book this past June, ranking Arizona 45th overall, up from 46th in 2015. The analysis ranks states on 16 data markers, including education, health, poverty and family situation, as well as community factors. Source: Children's Action Alliance The full KIDS COUNT ® Data Book is available online at EDUCATION FAMILY AND COMMUNITY 44th 39th While Arizona is still in the bottom ten states, improvements in math profi ciency were the most notable area of progress, propelling the state from 35th in 2015 to 18th in 2016. Arizona eighth graders performed better than the national average on the National Assessment of Educational Progress test, with 65% in our state not meeting profi ciency, while nationally, that statistic is 68%. Children growing up in Arizona continue to face big challenges, according to the report, with the state ranking in the bottom 10 for fourth grade reading, high school graduation and preschool participation. Additionally, one in four kids lives in a high poverty area, a factor that can have a dramatic impact on educational and future success. CHILDREN'S WELFARE IN ARIZONA?

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