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SUMMER 2016 | ADVOCATE 37 W hat did you do for your summer? If you are a leader in your local association, you probably spent June 9 – 11, at the AEA Summer Institute. Hundreds of Association members attended the annual AEA conference to gain the tools and knowledge needed to accomplish their local organizing goals and plan for the next school year. This three-day institute is for AEA member leaders in the program areas of advocacy, bargaining, public policy, communication, and quality, teaching, and learning. Newly elected local association officers attended new officers' training to get the basics on officer responsibilities. Potential member leaders learned about the Association and leadership opportunities at the SPARKS training held by AEA eSWAG trainers. This year's institute was held at the Scottsdale Resort at McCormick Ranch and included a Casino Night fundraising event for the AEA's Education Improvement Fund (EIF) to raise money to support pro-public education ballot initiatives in the November election. Association members met and Around AEA collaborated with other public school employees from across the state for the common purpose of improving our schools for our students and our profession. Local association members should feel confident that their leaders left the institute with great ideas and plans for empowering your voice at the district and state level. n