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36 ADVOCATE | SUMMER 2016 SB1322 community colleges; expenditure limitation AEA SUPPORTS Changes how community colleges calculate student counts, CTE course weights and excludable revenue for the purposes of determining their expenditure limit. SB1430 schools; achievement profiles; improvement plans AEA SUPPORTS Makes changes to the A-F letter grade calculations by removing specific academic indicators, and classification definitions and requires the inclusion of, at least, the following indicators: • Multiple measures of academic performance or other aca- demic indicators • Progress on statewide assessment in ELA and Math • Progress on AZELLA (or other ELL tests) • Progress toward college and career readiness (HS only) • Requires collaboration with technical and policy stakehold- ers SB1457 KidsCare enrollment; empowerment scholarships; persons with disabilities AEA SUPPORTS Establishes a process, using independent evaluators, to determine whether SPED ESA students qualify for transition services past the age of 18. Amended to include reinstatement of the Children's Health Insurance Program (KidsCare). SB 1525 education; emergency clause; JTED restoration and reforms AEA SUPPORTS Repeals JTED FY17 reduction and requires additional audits, accountability measures and reporting. Establishes CTE Task Force and limits attendance of adult students. Election, Labor & Retirement Bills HB 2023 delivery; early ballots; limitation AEA OPPOSED Prohibits collecting early ballots (voted or unvoted) from another person unless the person is family or household member, caregiver, an election official, postal worker and through the acreage system of voting. Establishes any violation as a Class 6 Felony. HB2191 employee scheduling; state preemption AEA OPPOSED Retroactive to January 1, 2016, makes employee scheduling a matter of statewide concern by prohibiting cities, towns and counties from requiring an employer to alter or adjust any employee scheduling if change is required to satisfy state/federal law. HB2104 ASRS; retention of credited service AEA SUPPORTS Allows employees exempt from ASRS membership due to Social Security regulations, but whose employer made contributions on their behalf, to retain credited service. Allows a retired member to return to work as an elected official and continue to receive benefits. Contains ER clause - ASRS bill to address specific employee issue HB2222 employment security; omnibus AEA OPPOSED Make changes to Unemployment Insurance (UI): shifts administration from Commerce Authority to DES, exempts some employer contributions, and modifies appeals process. HB2296 charitable organizations; campaign finance disclosures AEA OPPOSED Prohibits an agency or political subdivision from requiring a 501(c)(3) to register as a political committee, effective 90 days before 2016 primary election. Amended to include changes to SB1516 including changing the effective date of certain provisions, which negatively impacts the ballot measure intended to be on the November ballot invalidating SB1516. HB2579 nonwage compensation; minimum wage AEA OPPOSED Prohibits local political subdivisions from further regulating nonwage compensation. Changes compensation definitions in labor statutes impacting all employers. SB1037 ASRS; board delegation; benefit determinations AEA SUPPORTS Allows ASRS Board to delegate authority to take action on any appeal of a Board or OAH decision related to determination of rights, benefits or obligations, to a committee of the Board. ASRS bill SB1151 ASRS; continuation AEA SUPPORTS Continues the ASRS Board and related statutes until July 1, 2024, retroactive from July 1, 2016 SB1516 campaign finance amendments AEA OPPOSED Makes numerous changes to campaign finance statutes, including increasing contribution limits, expanding exemptions to those limits and to campaign expenditures. Trailer amendments included on HB2296 and HB2297. At the Capitol, continued from p. 12. at the capitol n