Arizona Education Association

Summer 2016

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30 ADVOCATE | SUMMER 2016 Every child deserves a free, quality, public education, regardless of zipcode. Connect with others like you with your passion for public education in your building and across the state at AEA events and online. Take charge of your career. AEA offers many professional development opportunities and grant resources to help you advance. Knowledge is power. AEA is your best resource for education news through our magazine, newsletters, website, and online social networks. There is power in numbers. Join the largest professional association in Arizona and add your voice to over 3 million members nationwide. AEA lobbies for education funding and legislation to improve and protect your profession. AEA is there fighting for you. When you need an advocate before the board, at the bargaining table, or at the Capitol. AEA's Advocacy Help Desk and $1 million liability insurance provide you with the support you need when you need it. Through AEA you have a voice in decisions about your working conditions, salary, benefits, class sizes, and professional growth. AEA membership provides exclusive discounts and savings on many benefits and services. TO JOIN

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