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P E O P L E 42 Post • February 2010 GARY TOLE Audio agency Pirate NYC has signed commercial audio/5.1 mixer Gary Tole, who brings with him over two decades of mixing experience, working on commercials, films and videogames, as well as with recording artists. He spent time at Hit Factory NY and at Ochoa Recording Studios in San Juan. A Grammy nominee,Tole's commercial work includes Nike's Mr. Robinson's Neighborhood,You Don't Know Diddley and Flight Dimension campaigns. He also worked on several shows for Food Network, as well as on the films Spider-Man 3, Rivers Wash Over Me and the doc Bigger Stronger Faster. ANN MCKALLAGAT, JAMIE PHAIR New York's Rhino has hired two veteran inde- pendent sales reps to bolster its operations on the East Coast and in Canada. Independent Ann McKallagat will focus her attention on the East, while Jamie Phair of JPreps will handle sales in Canada, focusing on Toronto. ANN QUINN, LARA DESIGNOR Click 3X in NYC has increased its digital and in- teractive marketing capabilities with the addition of Ann Quinn and Lara DeSignor. The duo will focus on building Click's infrastructure and ability in offering syndication, seeding, social media and viral channels to clients. Both have ex- perience in delivering multi-platform digital con- tent campaigns. Quinn will hold the title of digital engagement and content strategist. She's worked with Dog- matic,The Marketing Principles, EMCI,Tracy-Locke, and Foote, Cone and Belding. DeSignor serves in- tegrated account director/new business develop- ment. She has a long career in digital marketing, production and broadcast PR with various fashion, beauty and PR accounts with Dogmatic. STEVE ZOURNTOS Manic, a NY-based motion graphics, 2D and 3D VFX, design, animation and finishing studio, has signed veteran VFX ar tist Steve Zourntos, who has worked on spot campaigns, feature films and primetime TV. Zourntos helped found Headlight, the design and VFX arm of Crossroads Films and 89 Editorial. He has also worked at NYC's Click 3X and Toronto's Axyzfx and Panic & Bob. In addition to spots for Olay, Geico and Heineken, Zourntos also created opening titles for Medium, Kid Nation and Police Women of Broward County. JASON COHON, ADDIE HALL Animation, VFX and design house Sway Studio in Culver City, CA, has added two new members to its team. Jason Cohon joins the studio as ex- ecutive producer. He was recently a VFX producer at Asylum and has also spent time at Digital Do- main, working on live action for commercials and eventually transitioning to VFX producing. Addie Hall comes on board as director of new business. She was previously an account exec at Ascent Media, working in sales and marketing for Method Studios, Company 3 and Encore Holly- wood. Her career includes time with design studio Prologue Films and working in business develop- ment and marketing at VFX house Riot. BARBARA H. LANGE SMPTE, based in White Plains, NY, has named Barbara H. Lange executive director. She was most recently staff director of product manage- ment & business development for the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. At SMPTE, Lange is responsible for managing business devel- opment, operations and marketing activities. CORY FACTOR Newbury, UK's Quantel has named Cory Fac- tor as VP of sales, Nor th America. Factor co- founded DayPort in 1999, and guided its develop- ment of online apps in broadcast, with an empha- sis on merging the Internet and broadcasting to deliver VOD applications. . DANTE PIACENZA Commercial production company SFI (Simpson Films) in Long Island City, NY, has named Dante Piacenza executive producer. He brings close to 20 years of experience in the advertising industry, from the agency, production, and post sides of the business. Prior to joining SFI, Piacenza was EVP/GM/EP of Elias Ar ts' New York office. Before that, he was director of broadcast at Young & Ru- bicam, New York, where he spent 10 years. At SFI, Piacenza will work on new, re-branding initiatives designed to expand the company's role as a tech- nologically progressive and creative par tner to agencies and advertisers. PHAIR TOLE DESIGNOR LANGE COHON FACTOR POST MAGAZINE (ISSN 0891-5628) is published monthly by Post,LLC, a COP Communications company, 620 West Elk Avenue, Glendale, California 91204. Subscription rates: $63 for one year in the United States & Possessions; $94 for one year in Canada and Mexico; all other countries $133 for one year. For air-expedited service, include an additional $75 per order annually. Single copies (prepaid only): $16 in the United States; $32 in Canada and Mexico; $47 all other countries. Back issues, if available, are $32 for the U.S. & Possessions; $63 for Canada and Mexico; $94 for all other countries. Include $8.00 per order plus $3 per additional copy for U.S. postage and handling. 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