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Fairlight module expands Xynergi DAW S YDNEY — Fairlight's (www.fairlightau. com) new, six-fader extension mod- ule for its Xynergi media production center, the XE-6, adds high-quality and cost-effective tactile mixing control to the Xynergi hardware platform, enhancing its recording and mixing capabilities. Xynergi runs on the "green" processing power of the CC-1 digital media engine, which delivers high-end audio processing, as well as seamless audio/video file workflows for SD and HD file formats. The system is suitable for Foley, multi-track music recording, film dubbing, live-to-tape record- ing, ADR and media education programs. The XE-6 fader extension is Fairlight's re- sponse to customer demand for a modular system that allows users to create their own surface layout with the precise number of faders needed. This building block approach also allows customers to extend their sys- tems should their requirements change in the future. Avid improves DS finishing system T EWKSBURY, MA — Avid's (www. new V.10.3 release for its DS sys- tem combines VFX, compositing and graphics capabilities with new features for realtime finishing. The upgrade can handle Red, 2K and Arri raw projects, and offers support for the Red Rocket acceler- ator card, which de- codes R3D files, free- ing up the CPU. DS users can manage a file-based project pipeline by reducing ingest and conform require- ments. Native con- form from Media Composer for R3D and Arri raw files en- able users to recre- ate complete time- line information. AVX2 support provides users with a simple path for total conform of VFX, that are first generated in Media Composer and Sym- phony, at any stage of the editing process, making it possible to use Boris FX and Sap- phire effects in DS. Avid DS Ver- sion10.3 is available now, and customers with a valid support contract can down- load the latest ver- sion online via Avid's Website. RME offers 36-channel USB interface F ORT LAUD- ERDALE — RME's new Fireface UC (distributed by Synthax in the US) is a 36-channel USB 2.0 DAW interface that provides low la- tency even with mul- tiple audio channels. Fireface UC is op- timized for high per- formance with Win- dows and OS X sys- tems, and features dedicated firmware versions for each platform. A FPGA and its programma- ble firmware make the unit fully control- lable and adjustable. P R O D U C T S C AMBRIDGE, MA — MOTU ( is shipping Digital Performer 7.1, a free update for all DP7 users that adds new features, including a tuner plug-in, improvements to track folders and an auto-save function. DP 7.1's tuner plug-in can be used to tune a guitar, bass or any other pitched instrument. Ad- vanced features include adjustable tuning reference (400Hz to 480Hz) and test-tone generation. The auto-save preferences allow users to save their original document automati- cally at a chosen time interval, or auto-save to an auxiliary document in the background. Additional features include new, custom '59 power amp models for producing guitar tones with extra punch, and dozens of guitar tone effects chains presets. The track folder overview allows users to inspect the contents of collapsed track folders at a glance, including track color and type of data. Track folder editing features allow users to select, cut, copy, paste and otherwise edit the contents of collapsed track folders. Track folders also now have play-enable, solo-exempt, lock, and other controls, just like individual tracks. Channel strip presets can be saved, recalled and used to manage plug-in effects chains as single presets. A number of keyboard shortcuts have been added in V.7.1 for speeding up workflows. Core Audio file format support has been added, as has compatibility with Pro Tools 8.03. MOTU upgrades Digital Performer 40 Post • February 2010 Panasonic to deliver HD 3D camcorder S ECAUCUS — Panasonic (www.pana- recently introduced a fully-inte- grated, solid-state, HD 3D camcorder, which it plans to ship this fall. The unit integrates the camcorder, lenses, camera head and a dual memory card recorder into a single light-weight body, eliminating the need for dual cameras and decks. The twin-lens system allows users to adjust the convergence point without the need for an external video processor. Its weight and size make it suitable for hand-held shoots. Right and left HD video streams can be recorded as files on SDHC/SD memory cards. Its solid-state de- sign helps reduce maintenance costs, making it an appropriate choice for shoots in extreme environments. In addition to a camcorder, Panasonic will also offer a 3D full HD LCD monitor for field use, as well as a professional HD digital AV mixer for live event production. Pricing for the camcorder will be $21,000.