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I get to try out a lot of new mas- tering products, and nothing has yet come close to the transpar- ency and head room of my Dan- gerous Master and Monitor. They preserve the precise colors I add with my outboard gear, and keep my kick drums and sub- bass defined while my top-end is extended and airy. They are essential to my sound and the centerpiece of my studio. J o h n L e g e n d , J o e P e r r y, A l i c i a K e y s D A V E K U T C H J o h n M a y e r / D a v e M a t t h e w s / L i f e h o u s e I have the Dangerous Monitor ST and the Dan- gerous 2-Bus, both of which I cannot live with- out now. With the Monitor ST, I've stepped into the major leagues in terms of a listening environment. It's ridiculous! I could im- mediately hear the differ- ence and I had to have it. I was using another brand of summing amp and thought I was happy with it, but as soon as I plugged in the 2-Bus I was floored. Dangerous was the first to make a summing amp, and after hearing it, I don't think anyone else should have bothered. J E F F J U L I A N O The Danger- ous D-Box has been the single most important pur- chase I have made in recent m e m o r y . It has made my mixes rock with low end punch, depth of field and clarity, and sim- plified my life with great-sounding, seamless monitor switching. Thanks again Dangerous! P a n t e r a / H e l l y e a h / N i c k e l b a c k STERLING WINFIELD D-Box / Master / Monitor / 2-Bus / 2-Bus LT / Monitor ST / Monitor SR / DAC-ST / MQ W W W . D A N G E R O U S M U S I C . C O M DANGEROUS MUSIC MASTERING CREATIVITY