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Improve your well-being 18455 Burbank Blvd., Suite 306 Tarzana CA 91356 818.578.6730 Acupuncture has the power to transform your life, helping you achieve physical, emotional & mental balance. Vickery Health & Wellness Dia Vickery, PhD(Theology) Licensed Acupuncturist Certified in Aroma Acupoint™ Therapy Certified in Aroma Acupoint M y fi rst choice in healing has long been alternative mo- dalities, but I always say that if I break a limb, please take me to a medical doctor. Some time back, how- ever, I ran smack into my own bias. I discovered a lump in my breast, and instead of seeing an MD, went to a series of al- ternative practitioners. First it was a Russian healer in a dingy apartment in Hollywood. I saw him several times, but the last time I went he was working on a woman who had nasty looking fl uid leaking from her nipple. I hope she, too, looked elsewhere for help. Next I tried some kind of Chinese energy healing practitioner. I can't recall exactly how he described himself, but he told me my lump could turn into cancer! He gave me some herbs that had no effect, and said he had to stimulate the circulation. His method of doing that was to literally slap my breast. I know, I know, by now you're thinking I must have been insane. In my own defense it was 25 years ago, and all I could think about was how I wasn't going to live to see my daughter grow up. Finally, in desperation, I went to an allopathic breast special- ist at St. John's Hospital. He took one look at my lump, inserted a needle and withdrew some fl uid, and it was gone. I'd spent months being anxious and depressed over something that took about 30 seconds to remedy. With that cautionary tale in mind, I now think more in terms of Integrative Medicine—a healthcare protocol that involves both eastern and western medicine, and whatever other modality might possibly be effective. In looking for solutions, I don't dis- count anything. That includes my own energy healing, which I've practiced with the help of Dolores Krieger's work, called Therapeutic Touch. Imagine my amazement when my unhappy baby went from inconsolable crying to happy laughing in, literally, an in- stant. Or when I made a cyst disappear (undoubtedly with some help from the universe) in a week. My New York upper-Eastside medical doctor was stunned, and I'm sure he found my expla- nation bewildering. So yes, some of these modalities are extremely powerful, but there are also scammers. Obviously we need to be very aware of where we place our trust. I am happy to say I've never heard a single complaint about any one of our advertisers, so while we cannot vet them individually, the anecdotal report is quite positive. Whether you seek healing through horses (pg. 28), communi- cation with the dead (pg. 25), herbs and supplements (pg. 14), nutrition (pg. 19), medical marijuana (pg. 14), bodywork (pg. 36) or whatever, if it doesn't work, try something else. The City of Angels is literally fi lled with healing possibilities, and you'll fi nd plenty in these pages. Let us know if you fi nd one you love! Have a healthy summer and please remember to protect your skin. The EPA reports the ozone layer is actually healing, but it won't be fully restored until 2065. From my heart, from the editor Dear Readers, 6