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october/november 2015 33 Sister Jaguar's Journey A Nun's Ayahuasca Awakening in the Amazon Rainforest Over 1,500 titles for the Mind, Body, and Spirit • 800-246-8648 • Soul Breathing Spiritual Light and the Art of Self-Mastery Carrie L'Esperance An exploration of the multidimensional interplay between body, mind, and spirit $20.00 • ISBN 978-1-59143-249-4 Eyes Wide Open Buddhist Instructions on Merging Body and Vision Will Johnson Meditation practices to awaken the body and create a mind like a mirror, to literally see things as they are $12.95 • ISBN 978-1-59477-000-5 Find Your Path to Happiness Using Your Inner GPS ALSO AVAILABLE AS AN EBOOK "Zen Cryar DeBrücke is a master who takes us by the hand and shows us that we all have deep wisdom within." — JACK CANFIELD "Zen Cryar DeBrücke offers us a unique per- spective and powerful tools that can change our lives." — MARCI SHIMOFF, bestselling author of Happy for No Reason | art & soul BOOKS By Sister Judy Bisignano and Sandra C. Morse E ven sisters get the blues, as evidenced by this unfl inching yet humorous chronicle of religious life—one woman's journey of self-realization while "searching for God in all the wrong places." Sister Judy's story focuses primarily on her formative years. Growing up in an abusive family, as a child she often sought refuge with the nuns at a neighborhood convent. She entered the Adrian Dominican novitiate in Des Moines, Iowa, in 1960 after graduating from high school. The convent represented to her "...the only reasonable transition to adulthood." What followed was a harrowing three-year, rather than the usual one-year novitiate term, complete with harassment, humiliation and six weeks in a mental institution for experiencing double vision. Once released and promptly diagnosed with cancer of the thyroid, parathyroid and thymus glands—for which double vision is a typical symptom—she recovered and returned to the novitiate, fi nally taking her vows. The Dominicans' core commitment to social justice inspired her career as an educational reformer and activist in the Sanctuary Movement in Tucson in the 1980s and '90s, providing safe haven for Central American refugees fl eeing civil unrest. At age 68, childhood feelings of inadequacy and despair returned in force, and she agreed to accompany therapist Sandra Morse to the Ecuadorian Amazon. There she experienced a transformational shift in consciousness from "brokenness... to divinity" through rituals led by indigenous Achuar shamans and immersion in the remote Amazonian wilderness. So powerful was the experience that the two have continued to visit the Achuar, and proceeds of this book are dedicated to assisting the tribe with education, reforestation and health programs. Although somewhat rambling, this entertaining narrative culminates in a message most compelling: It's never too late to be awake. (Maketai, Inc) —Marcy Emmer june/july 2016 33