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A re they created by mis- chievous hoaxers who sneak into the fields af- ter dark? Is something supernatural going on? Are alien visitors touching down in UFOs? Controversial documenta- ry filmmaker Patty Greer has visited more than a hundred crop circles in search of the answers. WLT: What inspired you to start making these documentaries? PG: It hasn't been other people's research or data statistics; it's been about going into the fields with my camera and filming. Very organic, not on purpose to make movies, but I'm complet- ing my eighth movie right now, titled Crop Circle Diaries, about strange things that keep happening to me. We've all seen pictures, but can you describe what it's like to actually go inside a crop circle? When you're [in a field] walking up to a crop circle, you're in these long rows called "tramlines," where a tractor drives through the wheat to water. Crop circle etiquette is to walk in the tramline so you don't break any of the stems, so of course we do that. So you're walking in this tramline, and you've been given very vague di- rections. I never carry a GPS. You kind of hope you see a moving head of someone who found the crop cir- cle ahead of you. e directions are [something like], "Look for a broken tree branch, climb the fence, count a bunch of tramlines right or le, and just keep walking." Because it's all the same height, you don't see where it drops down. But all of a sudden you get into this umbrella of electrostatic energy or enhanced electromagnetic energy. Now, I'm not a phys- icist or anything scientific, but what I know is, my body changes. Every ounce of my being. It feels like I get lit up, and it's nice, it's not like I want to step back. You can see your goose bumps. When the hair stands up on your arms and you can't control the goose bumps, it's really apparent that something has shied your frequency. When you see [a crop circle] it's breathtaking, because if you get there early before people walk on it, it's like there's not a hair out of place. If it's a real crop circle, there are blown and elongated and burned nodes, and I have a lot of photos of those. As a plant grows two or three feet tall, it starts to grow little el- bows, called nodes, that are there to support and strengthen the plant. [Crop circle researcher William] Levingood determined that when a crop circle happens, these nodes explode or extend (we call it an "ex- ploded node or "elongated node"). ese are biophysical changes you can photograph. Here's the science: What's hap- pening is the water, the liquid in the cellulose, literally boils when [the stems] get hit with these crop circle frequencies. ere's a huge amount of heat that hits [the interior of the plants] and doesn't burn up the field. It bends 6,000, 10,000, or 100,000 plants at a 90-degree angle. So many of them! How do they do that? And then 10,000 next to that will go the opposite direction. It's really meticulous. Why do you think crop circles are so oen discredited? I think if other people le their cell phone and computer in the car and walked into a crop circle with me and lay down in the middle they might feel differently. I think most people just hav- en't been in one. My movies are not all hoopla and analytics; they are what it looks like walking into a crop circle. On those hillsides [above the fields] at night, if you are patient and determined enough, a lot of us have been able to film balls of light in the sky—orange, gold, yellow. Do you believe crop circles are creat- ed by aliens? No, it's different from what even the few believers believe. Crop circles are coming out of the earth in counter-ro- tating tornadoes called vortices. One's going clockwise and one's going coun- terclockwise. What this is, is plasma science, and spinning frequencies almost always, if not always, coming through water. All you see, if you're a human, is this ball of light at the base of each spinning vortex. What do you wish people knew about crop circles? Going on the journey, seeing the crop circles is a whole different thing. e movies take you there. I want them to really know what's going on in the fields, and what the messages are. Crop Circle Diaries is going to answer every crop circle question I've ever been asked, with so much evidence, and it makes so much sense. It's the earth speaking, and she's co-communicating with us. Patty Greer's documentary, Crop Cir- cle Diaries, will premiere during Con- tact in the Desert (contactinthedesert. com), a conference in Joshua Tree, Calif. June 3–6, featuring speakers on everything from alien technology to what the CIA allegedly knows about extraterrestrial life. june/july 2016 25