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So collective consciousness creates a physical universe. Pieces of collective consciousness—individual souls, us—will go into that universe and experience it in mi- cro ways. Each little piece of wisdom acquired by souls interacting with the physical universe is brought back and uploaded to collective consciousness. And so all of collective consciousness—the divine, God, whatever you want to call it—keeps growing and evolving. Do you think we're in a period now when we are pulling together for a collective purpose—or per- haps should be? I think we are. I think we're in a tipping place. I do past- life regressions with people now, and life-between-lives progression, which I've learned how to do from Michael Newton's work. I've had a number of people in the life between lives say that a lot of advanced souls are showing up at this particular time in history because consciousness is tipping very quickly. e shock troops are parachuting in. And Jordan has told me that the faster the shift in conscious- ness, the more you see regressive and re- actionary responses. e strength of them is an indicator of how fast consciousness is shifting. Part of it is technological. We now live in a world that's totally connected. So if something happens to some person in a remote little place, and they put it on Twitter, suddenly everybody gets to know. Jordan has said that the acquisition of wisdom acceler- ates when we get connected in that way. In some ways on this physical plane we're starting to replicate what happens with collective consciousness, where each in- dividual lesson in wisdom that is acquired is shared with all. Why do you think Jordan wanted to write this book with you? I think his message is that the relationship between the living and the dead is not a ected by death. ose rela- tionships are eternal and can be accessed when we want to. Love unites us all. e other piece is about pain: that pain is not bad, it's not wrong, it's not a failure—it's the means by which we learn. We're not thrown into this very di cult school, this planet, just to struggle and stumble around. We're here to serve collective con- sciousness. ere's a nobility to our lives. e last chapter of the book addresses the interface of science and spiritual- ity. Residing as he does in the spirit world, where does Jordan see the in- tersection? Jordan really wants us to start examining our spiritual beliefs and our spiritual prac- tices using science. He's arguing that we can use science to evaluate even the most esoteric spiritual things. Jordan's really on a bit of a toot about that. june/july 2016 23