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belly and loosen the muscles of your face. Do the same for any other holdings you may have noticed. Common spots include the low back and shoulders. Even if you are doing poses you don't like, you hate the music or your neighbor's mat is too close to yours, commit to being content. Another way to bring this niyama into your yoga practice is to choose the option you don't normally take in class and be okay with it, content even. For example, if you always vinyasa when given the choice between vinyasa and downward facing dog, choose downward facing dog the entire class. Keep tak- ing that choice, the opposite one, until you can feel santosha during your practice, and then go back to the original choice. Much of our discontent is due to unanticipated changes, so mix things up in the safe container of your yoga mat as often as possible. Balancing postures notoriously erode santosha. Bring a Mona Lisa smile to your lips and balance away. Cultivating santosha is about learning a more skillful way to approach situations you fi nd frustrating, anxiety-provok- ing or just plain irritating. Learning any new skill takes time, but with practice, santosha can be a tool to promote healing from erosive thought patterns and physical side effects related to stress. AUG/SEPT Brighten Your Future Learn something new and get a fresh start Begin a new career at any age Grow your skill set with weekend programs Plus lots more about sustainability, healthy eating, yoga and holistic living! SPACE RESERVATION: 7/20 ARTWORK: 7/25 ON THE STREET: 8/1 310.425.3056 Breema with Jon Schreiber Director of the Breema Center in Oakland, CA the art of being present 360 S. La Brea Ave LA ~ 90036 510/428-0937 • • 0pen house ~ Friday June 17 Free intro class & mini-sessions • 6:30-8:30 pm 10:00 am-1:00 pm • Take either workshop, or both $30/workshop ($25 if paid by 6/10) • CE available Breema is based on a profound understanding of the underlying unity of all life, expressed through the Nine Principles of Harmony. workshops ~ June 18 & 19 Beginners welcome 310 396 9900 Ananda LA Temple of Light 11870 Santa Monica Blvd #208 • Los Angeles, CA 90025 Join us! Our services include: Meditation • Kriya Yoga • Joyful Music Energy Healing • Spiritual Community june/july 2016 21