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"A HEALTHY BODY IS NO LESS important than a healthy mind. So why aren't the candidates talking about free gym memberships?" —Dirty Jobs TV host Mike Rowe in a story about the value of trade schools (Buzz-, 4/4/16) "THESE ARE NOT HARMLESS oddballs Trump is fl irting with. This is not the lunatic fringe. These are the lunatics." —Writer Adam Gopnik on "The Dangerous Acceptance of Donald Trump" (The New Yorker, 5/20) "IF YOU WANT REAL CHANGE, you have to do more than vote in presidential elections, sit back and wait for it to come." —Blogger Justin Rosario (www.left-, 4/13) "I BELIEVE IN THE CAUSE, BUT THE way it impacts your life... I wasn't prepared for this." —Pet- staurant owner Marc Ching of Sherman Oaks on the horror he's documented and the lives he's saved over six solo trips to Asian dog slaughterhouses (L.A. Weekly, 5/19) W O RT H R E P E AT I N G "EIGHT YEARS AGO, I SAID IT WAS time to change the tone of our politics. In hindsight, I clearly should have been more specifi c." —Pres. Obama at the White House Correspondents dinner (4/30) "THE MEDIA IS, AS USUAL, focused on the wrong things and abdicating responsibility for the general fi ltration of toxicity… the problem is the system is incentivized in the way a crack dealer is incentivized… as long as people are buying crack, everything is good on his block." —Jon Stewart in a guest appearance at the Univ. of Chicago's "The Axe Files" talking about the role of media (, 5/9) "PERHAPS WE SHOULD ASK ourselves why a woman is expected to hold up the banner for all womanhood when a man can be, well, just a man, have a questionable record (or in the case of Trump, be a bellig- erent ass with no record at all) and get traction." —Writer Anita Finlay on her blog by the same name (3/29) "HE HAS COME ALONG IN history at exactly the right moment. We are living in a world where greed has become, for the wealthiest people, their own re- ligion." —Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders in an inter- view about Pope Francis (Salt + Light, 2/21) "A FLORIDA MAN IS STEAMING mad at Starbucks for serving his sugar-laden espresso drink with a label reading, 'Diabetes here I come.'" The large version of the drink contains 59 grams of sugar—more than double the amount in two regular-sized Snickers bars. (New York Post, 4/11) june/july 2016 13