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Horses in Los Angeles are not confi ned
to state parks, though that's where you're
most likely to have a random encounter.
These four-legged beauties are more
present in our greater urban environ-
ment than you might think, maybe even
in your neighbor's backyard.
Sources: Equus magazine, theeques-
trianchannel.com, bloodhorse.com,
americanhorsepubs.org, lapdonline.
org, examiner.com
9.2M Number of horses in
the U.S.
2M Number of American
individuals who own horses
67.4 Percent likely to view their
horses as family members
$6,000 Estimated annual cost
of owning a horse in L.A. (2010)
$60,000 Median income for
horse-owning households
$36,000 Median income for
all U.S. households
32 Number of horses in the L.A.
police force
3,906,923 American horses
enjoyed in recreation
4.6M Americans involved in
the horse industry
844,531 American horses
used in racing
2,718,954 American show
1.9B Taxes paid by the horse
industry to all levels of government
june/july 2016 11