The Tasting Panel magazine

June 2012

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Retro Rum TWO BRAND AMBASSADORS WHO SERVE THE SAILOR by Rachel Burkons W hile we don't doubt there are legions of Glenfiddich fans whose alle- giance to the brand and the category hedges on the fanatic, we don't see a lot of scotch-lovers drinking a dram in their living room while wearing a kilt and listening to the soothing sounds of bagpipes. But for those who claim Sailor Jerry Rum as their call of choice, the connection and relationship to the brand extends much deeper than what's in the glass, with true devotees imparting the look and the legend of the brand into their daily lives. Rachel Furman, West Coast Brand Ambassador for Sailor Jerry rum, and her signature Airstream trailer. 104 / the tasting panel / june 2012 PHOTO: KATIE MCCURDY

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