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PEOPLE 48 POST FEBRUARY 2016 ANDY BATE Santa Monica-based VFX and design studio ArsenalCreative has expanded its creative team with the addition of Andy Bate, who joins the company as the head of 2D/lead VFX supervisor. Formerly a senior Flame artist at a52, where he spent three years, Bate began his professional career at The Mill London. He later moved to The Mill's Los Angeles office. His cred- its include work for Procter & Gamble, Nike, Adidas, Powerade, Xfinity, Microsoft, Hyundai, Verizon and Beats by Dre. MIKE VAN DER LOGT Cambridge, MA-based iZotope, Inc., maker of audio production tools, has engaged Mike van der Logt, own- er of 4M4You and a 25-plus-year industry veteran, to serve as sales manager for Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA). The appointment is in direct response to growing demand for iZotope products in interna- tional markets, and represents an expansion of iZo- tope's presence in those regions. On behalf of iZotope, van der Logt will travel to strengthen and expand business with existing distribu- tors, develop new relationships and both sustain and build sales momentum. JOSEPH D'AMICO, LARRY LIBRACH JVC Professional Video has named Joseph D'Amico vice president. He most recent- ly served the company as assistant VP, broadcast and public sector group. He will oversee direct broadcast sales initiatives and provide overall guidance for the division's sales efforts. Larry Librach, senior VP, has retired from the company after a 34-year ca- reer. He established JVC as a leader in broadcast HD camera and monitor sales, and helped launch the era of IP-based newsgathering in 2012 with the 600 Series of ProHD cameras. He also helped launch JVC's 4KCAM product line. MICHAEL DOWNING Director Michael Downing is joining the commer- cial roster at LA's Biscuit Filmworks. Originally from Toronto, Downing has directed spots for leading brands, including Samsung, Netflix, Subaru, T-Mobile, Mazda, and VW. His recent Pep Talk commercial for Netflix won awards at Cannes, The One Show and The Clios. His Sky Diver spot for Bud Light has been cited as one of the top 20 Super Bowl spots of all time. Downing joins Biscuit for both US and UK commercial representation from Epoch Films. He is a graduate of the American Film Institute (AFI), where his film Fine won a Student Academy Award. POST MAGAZINE (ISSN 0891-5628) is published monthly by Post,LLC, a COP Communications company, 620 West Elk Avenue, Glendale, California 91204. Subscription rates: $63 for one year in the United States & Possessions; $94 for one year in Canada and Mexico; all other countries $133 for one year. For air-expedited service, include an additional $75 per order annually. Single copies (prepaid only): $16 in the United States; $32 in Canada and Mexico; $47 all other countries. Back issues, if available, are $32 for the U.S. & Possessions; $63 for Canada and Mexico; $94 for all other countries. Include $8.00 per order plus $3 per additional copy for U.S. postage and handling. If shipping outside the U.S., include an additional $14 per order plus $5 per ad- ditional copy. Periodicals postage paid at Glendale CA 91205 and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to POST, P.O. Box 3551, Northbrook, IL 60065-3551. Canadian G.S.T. number: R-124213133RT001. Publications Mail Agreement Number 40017597. Printed in the U.S.A. ©Copyright 2014 POST, LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including by photocopy, recording or information storage and retriev- al system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use, or the internal or personal use of specific clients, is granted by is granted by POST, LLC for li- braries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Dr. Danvers, MA 01923 phone: 978-750-8400 fax 978-750-4470; call for copying beyond that permitted by Sections 107 or 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law. For those not registered with the CCC, send permission request in writing to Permissions Dept. POST, LLC 620 West Elk Avenue, Glendale, California 91204. GREG KIRKLAND VUE Audiotechnik has added Greg Kirkland to its technical sales team, bringing with him more than 30 years of experience in sound system design and engineering to expand the Escondido, CA, company's support for larger design firms and projects. Kirkland has designed, installed and programmed audio sys- tems in high-profile performance venues, engineered live shows throughout the world, and mixed tours for Liza Minnelli, Andy Williams and Julie Andrews. He was a founding partner of Thomas Gregor Associates where he designed and programmed audio sys- tems and oversaw production of large, complex projects for clients such as the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and Universal Studios. BLAKE HUBER LA-based creative production studio Flavor has added Blake Huber to its staff in the position of VFX supervisor. Over the past 15 years, Huber has estab- lished himself as a sought-after VFX artist. He got his start as a 2D animator working with Fuel and Brand New School, where he was introduced to Autodesk's Flame. Most recently, Huber was lead Flame artist for MPC. Prior to that, he had been freelancing with Flavor and other design/VFX companies, including Big Block, Brand New School, Digital Domain and Logan. His commercial credits include work on spots for Discover Card, Geico and Samsung. He has also served as VFX super- visor on live-action shoots. SALLIE MOORE, ERIC KORTE New York's integrated creative studio Mixtape Club welcomes Sallie Moore as executive producer, music, and Eric Korte as head of production, music & sound. The hires round out a company expansion that also includes doubling studio space and merging with the compos- er's collective Huma-Huma. Moore comes on board following a decade as EP at music and sound company The Lodge Music. She will be at the helm of client relations and business development. Meanwhile, Korte, formerly music director at Saatchi & Saatchi, will shepherd clients through the music production and selection process. SAM RAIMI The Motion Picture Sound Editors (MPSE) is hon- oring Sam Raimi with its annual Filmmaker Award. The director of the blockbuster Spider-Man films, the low-budget horror classic The Evil Dead, the western The Quick and the Dead, and the baseball drama For the Love of the Game, is being recognized for his outstanding contributions to the art of cinema and for his innovative storytelling, the scope of his work and his passion for movies. He will receive the award at the MPSE Golden Reel Awards ceremony February 27th in Los Angeles. Raimi, whose most recent film was Oz the Great and Powerful, is currently producing the Starz television series Ash vs Evil Dead. Moore Korte D'Amico Librach