Local 706 - The Artisan

Winter 2016

Issue link: https://digital.copcomm.com/i/636504

Contents of this Issue


Page 9 of 43

10 NEWS NEWS GUILD GUILD NEWS Left to right: David Larson, Bob Romero, John Damiani, Jenna Wittman, Anthony Wilson, Vanessa Dionne, Polly Lucke, Lucia Mace (pro tem appointee), Hazel Catmull, John Jackson. Local 706 Executive Board From the top of the stairs: Brigitte Bugayong, Michelle Radow, Michael Davis, David Williams, Camille Henderson, Colette Slattery, Vanessa Dionne, Int'l VP Michael F. Miller, John Goodwin, Tommy Cole. Going down the stairs, from the right: Julie Socash, Tym Buacharern, Kato DeStefan, Mike Germain, Elena Arroy, Karen Westerfield, Sue Cabral-Ebert, John Jackson. Oscars Bakeoff Celebration Local 706 Board of Trustees

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