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Download current and back issues of Whole Life Times at F irst Fridays are notorious- ly a day for art walks, and it could be argued there is nothing more beautiful and artistic than the natural world. We're lucky in Los Angeles to have nature so accessible, but most of us just like to enjoy it, and don't really know how it functions. Does anybody whose job doesn't include a lab coat really remember all those steps of photosynthe- sis? Or the circulatory system of birds? On the other hand, we do know a lit- tle about DeLoreans and time travel, shrinking kids and getting lost in space and bringing back dinosaurs, courtesy of Tinseltown's biggest industry. At the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, the theme for First Fridays 2016 is "Big Screen, Bigger Sci- ence." The fi lm industry takes so much artistic license with the facts that it's diffi cult for the average moviegoer to fi gure out what's real. From Jurassic pa- leontology and space travel, to crypto insects and zombie-like pandemic killer viruses—there's only so much science in science fi ction. First Fridays this season will feature scientists and fi lmmakers moderated by Emmy-winning public television and ra- dio host, Patt Morrison. With speakers and fi lm clips and lots of lively discussion, you can explore what's good, what's bad and what's just plain ridiculous in fi lm— and how fi lm and science inspire each other. Get the lowdown on what's, right, wrong or totally impossible. A few upcoming topics include: "When In Doubt, Just Keep Swimming" (what lies beneath the ocean surface). "In Space, No One Can Hear You Emote" (space and time travel). "Mostly Dead Is Slightly Alive" (neurology and science, and surviving the zombie apocalypse). With more than 35 million ob- jects in their collection, some as old as 4.5 billion years, the muse- um is fabulous and fun. First Fri- days also feature a DJ Lounge in the African Mammal Hall, behind- the-scenes tours and two bands, so whatever your age, you'll fi nd plenty to keep you entertained. —213.763.DINO, 900 Exposition Blvd., L.A. 90007. Paid parking is available or take Metro's Expo Line and exit Expo/ Vermont. Real vs. Really Scary at the Natural History Museum city of angels SCIENCE AND FICTION 10