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Forty plus years, a single faithful mate—one might expect such rock-solid stability to overfl ow into a larger arena: relationships with business, society, politics, nations, the environment, the Beloved. Nothing held back, essence rubs off, me to you, you to me. All faculties open and alive, I seek You, giving/accepting virtues and foibles, darkest hidden secrets, nuance subtle or coarse. My vessel breaks, split and spilt into a larger urn. Busted shards fulfi lled, yet still seek- ing, driven to sate the ever-unfolding, devouring One. Mac Graham (pg. 33) contributors I wish I knew the key to relationships, but the best I can do is be brave and honest with the way I handle others' hearts and my own. I've learned love is a practice and, as such, a liquid dance rather than static perfection. Sometimes when I'm dancing I turn the wrong way, step on somebody's foot, or look really, really awkward. Still, I like to dance. Kaci Yoh (pg. 20) What I've learned about relationships is simple: if you don't laugh together, if you don't enjoy explor- ing new places together, there is no relationship. Laughter is the ultimate "relation." And fi nding your place in the big world with someone at your side—that's the whole point of not being alone, in my opinion. Two explorers on the unchart- ed seas. Genie Davis (pg. 28) I work from home as a freelance writer, and my best relationship is the one I have with my dog, a one-eyed Maltese. He wakes me up every morning, inspires me to start the day, and often sits on my lap as I write. I'm currently single, but thanks to Stitch, I rarely feel lonely. Lisa Beebe (pg. 23) Human beings are wired to be attracted to each other and also to bond with one another. There are lots of different ways to do this, of course, so we asked some of our contributing writers to share something they know about relationships. Improve your well-being 18455 Burbank Blvd., Suite 306 Tarzana CA 91356 818.578.6730 Acupuncture has the power to transform your life, helping you achieve physical, emotional & mental balance. Vickery Health & Wellness Dia Vickery, PhD(Theology) Licensed Acupuncturist Certified in Aroma Acupoint™ Therapy Certified in Aroma Acupoint 8