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MUSIC David Vito Gregoli art & soul C ontrary to expectations born of the title and cover art, Aboriginal Secrets of Awakening takes place in the U.S. and relates Robbie Holz's recovery from hepatitis C, fi bro- myalgia and drug-induced brain damage. Infected by a contam- inated blood transfusion after the birth of her son in 1985, she endured a record fi ve years of Interferon treatments (compared with the usual six months) until her organs and brain began to shut down. With no hope of further medical treatment, Holz initi- ated a healing journey that included medical intuitives and natu- ropaths, as well as major diet and lifestyle changes. Three years later, now divorced, she recovered. Along the way she met and eventually married Gary Holz, a former physicist and founder of a high-tech aerospace compa- ny who had traveled to the Australian Outback seeking a cure for his advanced stage MS in 1994. Although still confi ned to a wheelchair for the remainder of his life, his experience with ab- original healers awakened telepathic abilities and the power to enact healing at the cellular and soul level. His posthumously published book, Secrets of Aboriginal Healing (co-authored by Robbie) explores the methodology of aboriginal healers and is an excellent compan- ion volume to this text. The couple met so- cially in 2001, and after their marriage a year later, Robbie assist- ed her husband in his healing practice until his death in 2007. The deeply touching de- scription of his passing is one of the book's highlights. Robbie Holz's limited direct involvement with aboriginal Aus- tralians came in 2008, when invited to participate in a week of women's secret ceremonies in Australia. This aspect of the book takes a back seat to what unfolds as a humorous, insightful and captivating chronicle of the couple's healing practice, and the author's discovery of her own powerful healing abilities. (Bear and Co.) —Marcy Emmer By Robbie Holz with Christiann Howard Aboriginal Secrets of Awakening A Journey of Healing and Spirituality with a Remote Australian Tribe Om. "Without beginning or end, Om embraces all that exists," said David Vito Gregoli, award-winning producer/guitarist. In this gorgeous and luscious work, Om Land, Gregoli collaborates with percussionist/sound healer Christo Pellani, singer Kimberly Haynes and multi-instrumentalist/producer Ricky Kej to produce a meditative journey that you don't want to end. There are three luscious tracks on this album. Each piece, anchored by the chant- ing of Om, includes layers of melody and instrumentation that glide within their own unique expression of infi nity. "Saguna" begins with Gregoli's sweet guitar melody grounded by a gor- geous tambour drone and supported by Christo's ever-inventive percussion, along with beautiful strings, keyboards and even esraj. In "Nirguna" we are drawn into deep contemplation as the ever-present Om chant, sung in a rich baritone by Ricky Kej, is complemented by Haynes lilting vocal and Christo's layered percussion. In "Pranava" a gorgeous sarangi greets us followed by Gregoli's richly delicate guitar, all gliding above a steady and tasteful percussive presence. This expertly produced work is to be savored and listened to over and over again as it helps evoke a sense of wonder and bliss. If you're looking for music to accompany deep meditation, this is an excellent choice. (Dharmapala Records) —JP Om Land BOOKS 32