Whole Life Magazine

February / March 2016

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er nearby art spot or two awaits. Heading west again, Lo at Liz's on La Brea, above what may be the coolest antique hardware store ever, features themed exhibitions, art talks and more. You'll be close to LACMA, so wander over for a stroll un- der the towering rock of "Levitated Mass," or among the city lights of Chris Burden's iconic installation, "Urban Light." Finish up your day at Crossroads on Melrose, where can- dlelight and white tablecloths set the stage for inventive, el- egant vegan dining. NATURE AND NURTURE Y ou could live here for years and never know about some of the most fantastic view-hikes in the Santa Monica Mountains. You'll work up an appetite, so stock up on provi- sions from Chomp Eatery & Juice Station in Santa Monica. is unassuming spot in a small strip mall offers delicious vegan and vegetarian sandwiches, superior cold-pressed juices and handcraed almond milk in a variety of flavors— perfect picnic fare. Fuel your tank with a vegetarian break- fast burrito and green juice made from apple, spinach, cu- cumber, celery, lime and ginger, or a Clarity juice made with watermelon and chia seeds. Now you're ready to hike. Head up PCH toward Mali- bu, where the Sandstone Peak Trail is a seven-mile adven- ture beneath oaks with glorious views of Tri-Peaks and Inspiration Point. Or look west for stunning ocean views with the Channel Islands in the distance. Aerwards, tuck into organ- ic California cuisine at Plate on PCH, which features a variety of vegan and gluten-free dish- es, including baked eggplant and spinach tortellini. ere's a lovely wine list, as well. Or perhaps another glimpse of the Pacific is in order. For that, visit the intimate roof- top lounge Suite 700 at the 1939-built art deco Shangri La Hotel in Santa Monica, which offers a stellar view of the lights and amusement park on the pier, as well as the coastline. THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT N ew York has nothing on the eclectic theater and music scene in L.A., and for a fraction of the cost of a single Broadway show, you can take in three sepa- rate performances in intimate settings. Brunch before theatre? But of course. Just off Sepulveda Boulevard, there's Sage. Vegan delights abound here, from corn cakes to tempeh sausages Florentine. e lovely in- door/outdoor setting encourages lingering, and be sure to save room for Kind Creme ice cream for dessert. en head on over to a matinee performance right up the road at the Odyssey eatre Ensemble in West Los Ange- les. From cutting-edge to classic productions, you can't go wrong watching professional theater here. Aer the show, head to Wheel House Cheese in Culver City for a delightfully curated cheese board, pickles, jams and breads, or a glass of unique wine, beer or cider. Interna- tional tastes and an intimate, charming brick patio encour- age lingering. L.A.'s music scene is jumping, but nearby are a couple of quieter venues. Boulevard Music on Sepulveda offers an eclectic mix of performances in a cozy setting that's part of a music store and music school. e legendary McCabe's Gui- tar Shop on Pico offers well-known acts with folky flavor in a similar setting. When the last notes have faded, take a trip across town for a quick bite at the casual Doomie's Restaurant on Vine for inspired meatless comfort foods, such as fried "chicken," tacos and burgers. Best of all, it's open until 1 a.m. And, you'll be positioned just a few blocks from either Upright Citizens Brigade Comedy eater on Frank- lin or IO West comedy theater on Hollywood Boulevard. At both venues, brilliant young improv and sketch performers take the stage starting as late as midnight. is is edgy, hilarious comedy you just won't find at more traditional venues around town. Hot tips: at IO, Top Story Weekly is a hilarious take on the week's current events; at UCB, the late night Sketch Cram is al- ways inventive. SPAAHS S imple relaxation your thing? en enjoy a spa experience Hiking in Malibu Sun Café Odyssey Theatre february/march 2016 29

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