active listening by looking directly into
Partner One's eyes. When time is up, reset
the timer and Partner Two will follow suit.
Active Listening is also a time to discuss it
anything that might inhibit each partner
from being fully present in the practice.
Repeat the Namaste bow.
Sensate Touch moves us from our minds
to our bodies. Set the timer for fi ve min-
utes. From Namaste, both partners will
extend their palms forward and down un-
til they are in line with the elbows. Part-
ner One faces the right palm up and left
palm down. Partner Two does the reverse
so that they are almost touching and less
than an inch apart. Working silently and in
tandem, reverse the palms so that Partner
One's left palm faces up and right palm
faces down, maintaining the distance be-
tween the palms. Play with moving the
hands back and forth.
Acknowledge each other with a Na-
maste bow.
Close your practice with back-to-back
seated meditation. Move the cushions
from the outside of the mat to the in-
side and sit back-to-back. Your sacrum
touches and shoulder blades should be
touching your partner's. Maintain contact,
but support yourself. Sit for fi ve minutes.
Close your eyes and focus on the breath.
Close with a Namaste bow.
For more on partner yoga, check out
Elysabeth Williamson's book, The Practic-
es and Principles of Partner Yoga.
Kaci Yoh is a 200-hour level yoga instruc-
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Ananda LA Temple of Light
11870 Santa Monica Blvd #208 • Los Angeles, CA 90025
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february/march 2016 21